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Preparing to install IBM® Campaign
IBM® Campaign installation checklist
Installing Campaign with other system components
System requirements
Knowledge requirement
Client machines
Access permissions
Marketing Platform requirement
Check for a JAVA_HOME environment variable
About hosted email using Campaign and eMessage
About eMessage configuration
Requirements for eMessage reports
Preparing data sources for IBM® Campaign
Step: Create the database or schema for the Campaign system tables
Step: Create the ODBC or native connections on the Campaign machine
Step: Configure the web application server for your JDBC driver
Step: Create the JDBC connections in the web application server
Information for creating JDBC connections
IBM® Campaign database information checklist
Installing IBM® Campaign
Information required to install all IBM® EMM products
IBM® Site ID
How the IBM® EMM installers work
Single directory requirement for installer files
Choosing product installation directories
Installation types
Installation modes
Installing multiple times using unattended mode
Selecting IBM® Campaign components
Installing the IBM® Campaign Reports Package
About installing eMessage with Campaign
Where eMessage components are installed
Default component installation locations
eMessage components in multiple partitions
Step: Obtain the IBM® installers
Step: Run the IBM® EMM installer
Navigating in the installation wizards
Database environment variables
To create an EAR file after running the installer
Configuring IBM® Campaign before deployment
Step: Create and populate the Campaign system tables manually, if necessary
Create and populate the eMessage system tables manually, if necessary
Step: Register Campaign manually, if necessary
Registering eMessage manually, if necessary
Step: Set data source variables in the Campaign startup script (UNIX™ only)
Database and library environment variables (UNIX™)
Deploying the IBM® Campaign web application
Step: Set the web application session timeout (optional)
Deploying IBM® Campaign on WebSphere® Application Server
To deploy IBM® Campaign on WebSphere® Application Server from a WAR file
To deploy IBM® Campaign on WebSphere® Application Server from an EAR file
Guidelines for deploying IBM® EMM products on WebLogic
Additional steps for WebLogic 11g
Reports on UNIX™ systems for all versions of WebLogic
Step: Start the Campaign server
To start the Campaign server directly
To install the Campaign server as a Windows™ service
About post-deployment configuration
Step: Verify the Campaign listener is running
Step: Set up the Campaign system user
Step: Add data source properties on the Configuration page
To import data source templates
To duplicate a data source template
Steps: Set required Campaign properties on the Configuration page
Step: Set data source properties
Step: Set additional properties
Step: Map user tables in Campaign
Step: Verify the Campaign installation
Step: Perform optional configurations for integration with IBM® applications
Step: Set properties for integration with IBM® Marketing Operations
Step: Begin the startup process to integrate with eMessage
Overall view of the startup process
About partitions
Partition benefits
Partition user assignment
Partition superuser
Partition data access
Setting up multiple partitions
Prerequisites for configuring multiple partitions
Prepare data sources for partitions
Create and populate the system tables for partitions
Create a directory structure for each additional partition
To clone the default partition
Create new partition structures
Configure data source properties for partitions
Step: Add data source properties on the Configuration page
Step: Set data source properties
Set up system users
Campaign system user
Configure the IBM® Cognos® Reports for multiple partitions
Next steps for multiple partitions
Configuring multiple partitions in eMessage
Steps to create partitions for eMessage
About partitions for IBM® eMessage
Important characteristics of partitions for eMessage
Relationship to partitions in Campaign
Requirements for multiple partitions in eMessage
Step: Create a new partition for eMessage
Step: Prepare eMessage system tables for the partition
Create and populate eMessage tables in the partition schema
Create and populate the eMessage system tables manually, if necessary
Configure automatic access to the partition's system tables
Specify the partition's system table characteristics
Step: Configure partition access to IBM® EMM Hosted Services
System user to access IBM® EMM Hosted Services
Step: Enable eMessage in Campaign for the new partition
Step: Specify the location of the RLU for the partition
Step: Restart system components
Step: Test partition configuration and connections
Configure the IBM® Cognos® Reports for multiple partitions
Upgrading Campaign
Upgrade prerequisites for all IBM® EMM products
Order of upgrading
IBM® Campaign upgrade scenarios
Specific preparations for upgrading eMessage
Upgrading existing eMessage installations
Scheduling an eMessage upgrade
Complete all recipient list uploads
About outbound email during upgrades
About email responses during an upgrade
Steps for upgrading from Campaign 8.5 or 8.6
Export configuration settings (optional)
Back up Campaign
Stop the Response and Contact Tracker
Undeploy Campaign
Unload unused files from memory (AIX® only)
Run the Campaign installer in upgrade mode
Redeploy Campaign in the web application server
Restart the Response and Contact Tracker
Review SQL upgrade script and modify, if necessary
Example modifications to the SQL upgrade script
Set environment variables for Campaign 9.x
Gather information required to run the upgrade tool
About the upgrade log
About upgrading partitions
Run the Campaign 9.x upgrade tool
IBM® utilities
About Marketing Platform utilities
The configTool utility
The alertConfigTool utility
The datafilteringScriptTool utility
The encryptPasswords utility
The partitionTool utility
The populateDb utility
The restoreAccess utility
The scheduler_console_client utility
The RCT script
The MKService_rct script
Failover configuration for IBM® Campaign
Uninstalling IBM® products
To uninstall IBM® products
This edition applies to version 9, release 0, modification 0 of IBM® Campaign and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Contacting IBM® technical support
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