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Upgrade overview
Upgrade roadmap
How the installers work
Modes of installation
Sample response files
Integration of Campaign with eMessage
Integration of Campaign with IBM® EMM products
IBM® Campaign documentation roadmap
Planning the Campaign upgrade
Backing up Campaign
Exporting configuration settings
Upgrade log
Upgrade prerequisites for all IBM® EMM products
Auto commit requirement for Oracle or DB2®
Change in names of user-defined groups and roles
Campaign upgrade worksheet
Campaign upgrade scenarios
Upgrading Campaign
Undeploying and upgrading Campaign
SQL upgrade scripts
Setting environment variables for Campaign 9.x
Running acUpgradeTool
Upgrade considerations for eMessage
Prerequisites for upgrading eMessage
Upgrading eMessage
Emails during eMessage upgrade
Configuring Campaign before deployment
Creating and populating Campaign system tables manually
Creating and populating the eMessage system tables manually
Registering Campaign manually
Registering eMessage manually
Setting data source variables in the Campaign startup script (UNIX™ only)
Database and library environment variables
Deploying the Campaign web application
Setting the web application session timeout
Deploying Campaign on WebSphere® Application Server
Deploying Campaign on WAS from a WAR file
Deploying Campaign on WAS from an EAR file
Deploying Campaign on WebLogic
Configuring WebLogic to display reports (UNIX™)
Starting the Campaign server
Starting the Campaign server directly
Installing the Campaign server as a Windows™ service
Configuring Campaign after deployment
Verifying that the Campaign listener is running
Setting up the Campaign system user
Adding data source properties on the Configuration page
Importing data source templates
Duplicating a data source template
Campaign configuration properties
Mapping user tables in Campaign
Verifying the Campaign installation
Setting properties for integration with IBM® EMM products
How multiple partitions work
Partition superuser
Setting up multiple partitions
Configuring data source properties for partitions
Setting up system users for Campaign
Using IBM® Cognos® Reports for multiple partitions
Assigning roles, permissions, and groups for partitions
Configuring multiple partitions in eMessage
Partitions for eMessage: Overview
Roadmap for configuring multiple partitions in eMessage
Creating a new partition for eMessage
Preparing eMessage system tables for the partition
Creating and populating the eMessage system tables manually
System user requirement to access IBM® EMM Hosted Services
Enabling eMessage in Campaign for the new partition
Specifying the Recipient List Uploader location for eMessage
Restarting system components after configuring eMessage
Testing eMessage partition configuration and connections
Marketing Platform utilities
Marketing Platform utilities
eMessage Response and Contact Tracker (RCT) script
eMessage MKService_rct script
Uninstalling Campaign
This edition applies to version 9, release 1, modification 0 of IBM® Campaign and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
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