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Why use IBM® Marketing Operations?
Who uses IBM® Marketing Operations?
For more information
Using IBM® Marketing Operations
Integration with IBM® Campaign
Business processes
Relationship of planning objects
Project structure
Project requests
Collaboration tools
Message Boards
Functional roles
Security policies
Strategic planning and financial management
Cost categories
Libraries of reusable elements
Marketing objects
Digital asset management
To log in to IBM® EMM
About customizing Marketing Operations
To set your start page
Setting your basic settings
Setting your approvals options
Setting options for projects
To set project options
About optional project columns
To receive project health status updates by email
Setting your tasks options
Setting your operational analytics options
Defining out of office settings
Common tasks
Working with attachments
To add an attachment to an object
To remove an attachment from an object
To send e-mail attachments
Statuses of business processes
Changing the status business processes
Using disabled attribute values
Disabled attribute values in objects
Disabled attribute values in searches
Disabled attribute values example
Selecting resources
Using Save and Return to List
Column headers
To print an object
To export information in Microsoft™ Excel format
Plan views
Summary information for plans
Fiscal year for plans
To add a plan
To add or remove a program area
To link a program to a plan
Security considerations for linking plans and programs
Adding a new program from a plan
To remove a program from a plan
To start a plan
To delete a plan
To add a program
To start a program
To add new project requests and projects to programs
To link an existing project to a program
Security considerations for linking projects and programs
To navigate from a program to a plan
To remove projects from programs
To delete a program
About projects and project requests
About project reconciliation
About request statuses
About monitoring project health
Project views
To select project views
Searching for projects
Choosing list or calendar view mode
About campaign projects
About project codes and campaign codes
To create a project
To create projects by cloning
To start a project
Project attachments tab
Project requests
To request a project
To create a request
To submit a request
To monitor the status of a project request
To cancel or re-draft a request
To respond to a request as an individual
To change the status of multiple projects or requests
To copy a project or request
Team projects and requests
Team projects lifecycle
To reassign a team project
To respond to team requests as a team manager
To navigate from a project to a program
Linking projects
Subprojects overview
Details on the project-subproject relationship
To create a child project/request
To link a child project or request to a project
Security considerations for linking projects
To remove a parent-child project link
To assign work
Selecting projects or requests
To reconcile a project
To delete a project
About monitoring and updating project workflows
About spreadsheet view mode
To work in spreadsheet view mode
Post Task Update dialog
To add an attachment to a task
To start an approval process from view mode
About timeline view mode
To customize the spreadsheet or timeline view
To set first column width
Process flowchart view
Workflow concepts
About schedules
To use a baseline schedule
To keep an up-to-date schedule
About date dependency calculations
To automatically calculate workflow dates
To calculate date dependencies above a locked task
Scheduling work time
About non-work time
About including weekends
Work and non-work time settings
To edit a workflow spreadsheet
About the edit mode toolbar
About adding a stage or task
To add a row to the workflow spreadsheet
To add a row below a locked approval task
Managing stage and task sequence
Managing task dependencies
About the workflow spreadsheet columns
To fill data into a range of cells
About copying and pasting
To copy tasks on Macintosh/Safari
To copy data in Internet Explorer
Adding roles and members to tasks
About roles, people, and approval tasks
Example ordering of reviewers for an approval task
About My Tasks
Filtering My Tasks
About the task pane
Defining a milestone for a task
To change the status of a task
About changing the status of approval tasks
To complete multiple tasks
To skip multiple tasks
To skip an approval task
To print the Workflow tab
About approvals
Stand-alone approvals
Approval tasks
Approval dates
Due dates for approvals
Approval Sequence
Rejected approvals
Approval organization
Approval process workflow
Creating Approval Processes
Assigning Approvers
Adding approval items
Enable markup for approval items
Submitting approval processes for review
Evaluating approval processes
Approval portlet
Evaluating approval processes in the Approval Portlet
Post complete response
Modifying approval processes
Canceling an approval process
Copying approval processes
To delete an approval
Completing approval processes
Putting approval processes on hold
Reactivating approval processes that are on hold
Reassigning team approvals
Approval processes linked to workflow tasks
Attachment markup types in IBM® Marketing Operations
Marking up attachments
Adobe™ Acrobat markup in IBM® Marketing Operations
Adobe™ markup on the Apple Macintosh
Native IBM® Marketing Operations markup
People and teams
About people and teams
About the People tab
Managing project members
To manage project members
Managing teams
About team alerts
Team summary page
To add or edit teams
To edit members of a team
About routing work for teams
Task routing options
Approval routing options
Request routing options
Virtual project participants
Assigning team tasks
Assigning team requests
To change the access level for a project member
Finding and replacing task members or reviewers
Select project members/reviewers
To manage reviewers
Editing access levels for a member
About roles
To assign work by role
To remove a role
To add a role
To assign people to roles
The calendar
Configuring display options for the calendar
Calendar display options
To set your default calendar options
To change your view of the calendar
Viewing the timeline
About timeline view of the calendar
Viewing the text or graphical calendar
About the monthly calendar
About calendar color coding
About horizontal bars on the calendar
Brief and detailed views of tasks
To publish the calendar
About editing grid data
Grid controls
To import grid data
To export grid data
To post read-only grid data to a URL
To group read-only grid data
Marketing objects
About the offer object type
To create a marketing object
About the marketing object cross-reference report
About the modifies and references relationships
Selecting marketing objects
To delete marketing objects
To change the status of marketing objects
To add a marketing object reference to a form or a grid row
About marketing object references in approvals
Assets and asset libraries
About asset libraries
To change from the asset list view to the thumbnail view
To add an asset
New asset page
To edit an asset
About asset versions
To add a new version of an asset
Asset statuses
To change the status of an asset
To view an asset
To view history of an asset
To add an asset folder
Deleting assets
To delete assets and folders from the asset list page
To delete an asset from within the asset
To move assets and folders from the asset list page
To move an asset from within the asset
Budget funding
Top-down budget planning
Bottom-up budget planning
Effects of deleting links between plans, programs, and projects
Budgets and accounts
Budget views
The Plan Budget tab
Plan Budget Summary table
Program Costs table
The Program Budget tab
Navigating with budget ancestors
Program Budget Summary table
Project Costs table
Program Line Item Details table
The Project Budget tab
Budget allocation versions
To create budget versions
To delete versions
To compare versions
To mark a version in-use
To allocate funds
To allocate funds for stand-alone programs and projects
To add or edit line items
To finalize budget line items
To discard budget line items
Budget line item approvals
To add an invoice
New Invoice page
To edit an invoice
About rolling up line items
Invoice Line Item Approvals
Rollups to the source program or project
Rollups to the source account
To add or edit invoice line items
Field descriptions for the Edit Invoice Line Items page
Invoice status types
To change the status of an invoice
To delete an invoice
To print the invoice summary
About accounts
About the accounts summary page
Account summary table
About selecting the fiscal year to view
To set up program or project metrics
To edit program or project metrics
Entering planned values for rollup metrics
To enter planned values for metrics that roll up
Views for rollup metrics
To import metrics from a campaign
Finalizing and rolling up metrics
To finalize and roll up metrics
Filtering report criteria
Search and Select Prompt boxes
Active dates
Status and Type
Multi-object reports
To run the Marketing Activity report
To run the Overdue Milestone report
To run the Program Tasks and Milestones report
To run the Project Performance Crosstab report
To run the Project Performance Summary report
To run the Resource Task Load report
To run the Vendor Spend Summary report
Single-object reports
To view the revision history of an object
To run the Approval and Compliance Listing report
To run the Budget Summary by Quarter report
To run the Detailed Expense Breakout report
To run the Work Assigned to Team or Team Member Reports
Dashboard portlets
Marketing Operations list portlets
Quick link portlets
Marketing Operations IBM® Cognos® report portlets
About searching within grids
About searching for marketing object attributes
To perform an advanced search of a digital asset library
To perform an advanced search (except for assets)
To regroup and reorder search criteria
About the Not In operator
Assets advanced search page
Advanced search page for objects other than assets
About saved searches
To view a saved search
To delete a saved search
Alerts and the message board
Message board
Viewing alerts
Receiving alerts when outside the organization's domain
About adding comments for alerts
To subscribe to alerts for an object
Brief and detailed task alerts
Group events that contribute to detailed alerts
Examples of brief and detailed alerts
Configuring task alert level
To post a message on the message board
To read a message on the message board
Context-sensitive help topics
Plans list
Add Plan
Plan Budget tab
Programs list
Program Wizard
Program Budget tab
Projects and Requests list
Project Wizard
Request Wizard
Project Budget tab
Clone Projects Grid
Tasks list
Teams List
Assets list
Asset Libraries
Approvals list
Add Approval Process
Marketing objects list
Accounts list
Invoices list
Add Invoice
Basic Settings Options
Approval Options
Projects Options
Tasks Options
Operational Analytics Options
Calendar/Timeline Settings
Out of Office Settings
This edition applies to version 9, release 1, modification 0 of IBM® Marketing Operations and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
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