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About IBM® Opportunity Detection
Batch and real time modes
Trigger system basics
IBM® Opportunity Detection architecture
Opportunity Detection roles and permissions
Reference: Permissions for Opportunity Detection
Built-in roles in Opportunity Detection
Setting up data sources in Opportunity Detection
Data source configuration roadmap
Configuring audience level codes
Creating display names for pre-defined field values
Defining transaction and profile data sources
Fields on the Data Sources page
Configuring server groups and data source connections
Fields on the Server Groups page
Naming requirements for profile and transaction files
Location and data requirements for profile and transaction files
Profile data
To set up state and outcome tables
Automating tasks using the RemoteControlCLI utility
Setting up the database connection for the Opportunity Detection CLI
RemoteControlCLI XML reference
RemoteControlCLI command reference
Opportunity Detection configuration properties
Opportunity Detection
Opportunity Detection | Navigation
Opportunity Detection | System | Streams Remote Control Web Service
Opportunity Detection | System | Interact Design Service
Opportunity Detection | System | Interact Connector
Opportunity Detection | logging
Configuring data sources
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