Configuring server groups and data source connections
Use the Settings & Opportunity Detection Settings > Server Groups page to define server groups and connect them to data sources you have configured. Server groups are comprised of servers that are set up during installation, and database connections and data source connectors that you configure.
Typically, organizations use different server groups for their development, test, and production environments. Development and test server groups often share outcome and state tables, while the production server group normally has its own, exclusive outcome and state tables.
Follow the steps in the order shown below to configure data source connections and server groups.
The first time you use the Server Groups page, and whenever you add a new server, click Synchronize with changed streams configuration on the Servers tab to refresh the list of servers.
On the Data Source Connectors tab, configure a connector for every database table and flat file you plan to use with Opportunity Detection. This includes your transaction and profile data, and your outcome and state tables.
Table connectors and flat file connectors enable the system to connect to your outcome and state database tables and your transaction and profile files.
These connectors are where you specify the actual physical names of your database tables and flat files.
For transaction and profile files, you also specify which audience level a data source is associated with, and the encoding and locale used in the file. Opportunity Detection constructs the required file name, and you must ensure that your data files use this name.
See Fields on the Server Groups page for help in completing the fields on the various tabs on the Server Groups page.
Fields on the Server Groups page