Web Search
About Optimize
Advantages of using Optimize
About the Optimize data flow
About Campaign
Campaign key concepts
Optimize key concepts
Proposed Contacts Table
Optimized Contacts Table
Optimization period
Optimize template table
Optimize session
Optimization rules and constraints
Overview of using Optimize
Optimize in a multi-locale environment
Getting started with Optimize
Planning for Optimize
Required data
Implementing Optimize
Define an audience level
To define a new audience level for Optimize
Create template tables
To create a template table
Building offer templates for Optimize
Optimize sessions
Optimize session-level advanced settings
Create a session
To create a session using the New Optimize Session page
To create a session using another session as a template
Optimize Session page reference
Optimization rules
Rules and constraints
Rule order
Minimum constraints
Tracking contacts
Rule types
The Customers In rule
Definitions for the Customers In rule
The Interactions Where rule
Definitions for the Interactions Where rule
The Min/Max # Offers Capacity rule
Definitions for the Min/Max # Offers Capacity rule
The Custom Capacity rule
Definitions for the Custom Capacity rule
The Min/Max # Offers For Each Customer rule
Definitions for the Min/Max # Offers For Each Customer rule
The Max # Packages rule
Definitions for the Max # Packages rule
The Max # Duplicate Offers rule
Definitions for the Max # Duplicate Offers rule
The Never A with B rule
Definitions for the Never A with B rule
The Never A Followed By B rule
Definitions for the Never A Followed By B rule
The B Only With A rule
Definitions for the B Only With A rule
Rule definitions
Segments in optimization rules
To use a segment in an optimization rule
Offer lists in optimization rules
To use an offer list in an optimization rule
Offer versions in optimization rules
The offer versions query builder
Conditions and groupings
To use offer versions in your optimization rule
Smart lists and the offer versions query builder
Retired offers and offer lists
Details for working with rules
To create a rule
Optimize session rule general reference
Optimization Rule Exceptions
To add a Rule Exception to a Min/Max # Offers capacity rule
Definitions for Rule Exceptions
Optimization rule example
Setting up scores
Configure an optimization session to use a score field from the PCT
To configure Optimize to use a score field from the PCT
Manually enter scores using the score matrix
Empty cells
Contacts that belong to more than one strategic segment
To manually enter scores using the score matrix
Limiting offers and strategic segments in the score matrix
To select offers and strategic segments
Generate a list of proposed contacts
Create a flowchart with an Optimize process
To create a flowchart with an Optimize process
The target control spreadsheet and pre-optimization flowcharts
Configure the Optimize process
The Optimize process Assignment tab
To select the cells for input
To assign a contact date to all contacts
To assign offers or offer lists to a cell
Optimize process Assignment tab reference
The Optimize process Parameters tab
To select the cells for which you want to specify parameterized offer attribute values
To assign values to parameterized offer attributes
Optimize process Parameters tab reference
The Optimize process Optimize tab
To specify an Optimize session
To map additional table fields required by the PCT
Optimize process Optimize tab reference
The Optimize process Score tab
To assign score fields in the Optimize process
Optimize process Score tab reference
Run the flowchart
About the Optimize process and flowchart test runs
Perform a production run of the Optimize session
To perform a production run of an Optimize session
Reviewing optimization results
Use optimized contacts in marketing campaigns
Select optimized contacts
To select the package that contains the optimized contacts
To retrieve optimized contacts by a PCT or OCT field
Link the optimized contacts to a contact process
Running the post-optimization flowchart
(Optional) Define a trigger to start the post-optimization flowchart
Handling multiple packages
To include one Extract process per package
To select more than one package from a single Extract process
Sampling for hold-out control groups
To sample at the audience ID level
To sample at the offer level
Assign final cell codes
Target control spreadsheet and post-optimization flowcharts
To assign final cell codes
Viewing Reports
To view reports
To clear run history
Offer Filtering Summary report
Customer Redistribution by Campaign report
Offers by Type and Segment report
To select offers and strategic segments
Campaign Optimization Summary report
Channel Utilization Over Time report
Customer Interaction Volume Report
Capacity Rule Sensitivity report
Optimize list portlets
Administering Optimize
The Optimize Utility
Prerequisites for the Optimize Utility
Optimize command-line utility
Optimize listener
Configuring Optimize for a multi-locale environment
Configure database load utility
Increase virtual memory allocation for a process (UNIX™ only)
Tuning the optimization algorithm
Multi-threaded optimization
Setting CustomerSampleSize
Indexing Optimize tables
Controlling queries to contact history
Optimize configuration properties
Campaign | unicaACOListener
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Optimize | sessionRunMonitor
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Optimize | MemoryTuning
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Optimize | userTemplateTables
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Optimize | AlgorithmTuning
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Optimize | Debug
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Optimize | logging
Campaign | unicaACOOptAdmin
Optimize Sessions
Optimization run progress tab
Optimize session Analysis tab
Search Results
My Optimizations
Optimize session Summary tab
Max # Packages rule
Optimize session Rules tab
Editing the Scoring tab
Optimize Process
Never A with B rule
Optimize Sessions
Never A Followed by B rule
Min/Max # Offers Capacity rule
Edit Displayed Offers
Edit Displayed Segments
Max # Duplicate Offers rule
B Only With A For Each Customer Rule
Min/Max # Offers For Each Customer rule
Interactions Where rule
Customers In rule
Optimize session Scoring tab
Custom Capacity rule
Add Optimize Session Folder
This edition applies to version 8, release 6, modification 0 of IBM® Unica® Optimize and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
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