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Installing reports
Reporting installation roadmap
Install reporting components
Step: Set up a user with the ReportsSystem role, if necessary
To assign a role to or remove a role from a user
Step: Install the reporting schemas on the IBM® EMM system
Step: Create JDBC data sources
Set up the reporting views or tables
Step: Load the templates for the Reports SQL Generator
Step: Generate the view or table creation scripts
Step: Create the reporting views or tables
Сценарии SQL по источникам данных
Create views or materialized views for Campaign or eMessage
Create views or materialized views for Interact
Setting the language in Oracle and DB2®
Create and populate reporting tables for Campaign or eMessage
Create and populate reporting tables for Interact
Step for tables and materialized views only: Set up data synchronization
Install and test IBM® Cognos® BI
IBM® Cognos® BI, IBM® reporting, and domains
IBM® Cognos® BI applications
IBM® Cognos® BI installation options
IBM® Cognos® BI web applications and the web server
IBM® Cognos® BI and locale
Test the IBM® Cognos® BI installation
Install IBM® EMM integration components and report models on the Cognos® system
Installation checklist: IBM® Cognos® integration
Step: Obtain the JDBC driver for the Marketing Platform system tables
Step: Install the reporting models and integration component on the IBM® Cognos® system
Step: Create the IBM® Cognos® data sources for the IBM® EMM application databases
Optional step: Set up email notification
Step: Configure the IBM® Cognos® application's firewall
Step: Import the reports folder in Cognos® Connection
Step: Configure and publish the data model, if necessary
Step: Enable internal links in the reports
Step: Verify the data source names and publish
Step: Configure Cognos reporting properties in the Marketing Platform
Step: Set report folder permissions
To configure report folder permissions
Step: Test your configuration without authentication enabled
Configure IBM® Cognos® to use IBM® EMM authentication
Step: Determine which authentication mode to configure
Step: Create the reporting system user, if necessary
Step: Configure the Cognos® authentication properties in IBM® EMM
Step: Configure IBM® Cognos® to use the IBM® EMM Authentication Provider
Configuration required when the IBM® Marketing Platform is integrated with an LDAP server or a web access control system
Step: Test your configuration with authentication configured
Next steps for reporting
Upgrading reports
Initial steps for upgrading reports, all supported versions, all products
Step: Verify that a user with the ReportsSystem role exists
Step: Upgrade IBM® Cognos® BI, if necessary
Step: Back up the Cognos® model and report archive
Step: Generate the SQL to drop tables and run the SQL in product databases
Step: Upgrade the reporting schemas on the Marketing Platform
Step: Upgrade the reporting templates in the Marketing Platform
Step: Update lookup tables (eMessage and Interact only)
Step: Generate new SQL and upgrade and the views or tables in the product databases
Step: Run the installers on the Cognos Content Manager machine and upgrade the IBM® EMM integration components
Upgrading reports from version 7.5.1
Step: Upgrade the 7.5.1 model and install the new reports
Step: Updating the old Campaign Performance by Cell reports
How to fix the cross-object Performance by Cell reports
How to fix the object-specific Performance by Cell reports
Step: Updating the old Offer Performance Summary by Campaign reports
How to fix the Offer Performance Summary by Campaign cross-object report
How to fix the single object Offer Performance Summary by Campaign report
Upgrading reports from version 8.x
Step: Upgrade the 8.x model and install the new reports
Конфигурирование отчетов
About reporting in the IBM® EMM suite
About reporting and security
About report folder permissions
About securing the IBM Cognos BI system
Reporting permissions reference
Схемы отчетов
About the Reporting SQL Generator
Опции внедрения отчетов
Контрольные группы и группы назначения в отчетах
Уровни аудитории и отчеты
About audience keys in reporting schemas
About partitions and reporting schemas
About the Framework Manager data models
About the Report Studio reports
About the folders, subfolders, and access settings
About the report styles and appearance
About setting up schedules for generating reports
Customizing reporting schemas
Что такое схемы отчетов?
Как добавить метрики контактов или ответов
Как добавить пользовательские атрибуты
Как добавить типы ответов
To add contact status codes
Как задать календарные периоды времени для отчетов об эффективности
To configure audience level for performance reports and response history
Создание схем отчетов для дополнительных уровней аудитории или разделов
Как создать схему Разбиение ответов предложений кампании
To create a Campaign Offer Contact Status Breakout schema
Как создать схему Эффективность предложения
Как создать схему Эффективность кампании
Как создать схему пользовательских атрибутов кампаний
Как создать схему Эффективность взаимодействий
Generating updated view or table creation scripts
Before you begin updating views or reporting tables
Generate updated SQL scripts for the reporting views or tables
Обновление представлений или таблиц отчетов
Сценарии SQL по источникам данных
Генератор SQL для отчетов - Справка
Customizing the IBM Cognos Model
Пример: Добавить атрибуты в существующее представление или таблицу в модели данных
Example: Add new views to IBM Cognos data model
About customizing or creating Cognos reports for IBM® EMM applications
Guidelines for creating new Campaign reports
Конфигурирование портлета инструментальной панели Эффективность точки взаимодействия
Guidelines for creating new, custom dashboard reports
Configuring reporting for multiple partitions
Configuring the IBM® Cognos® Reports for multiple partitions
Before you begin
Run the reporting partition tool to create a copy of the reports archive .zip file
Create a copy of the Cognos® model for Campaign
Create a copy of the Cognos® model for eMessage
To update the partition's report properties
Reporting configuration properties
Отчеты | Интеграция | Cognos® [версия]
Отчеты | Схемы | [продукт] | [имя схемы] | Конфигурация SQL
Отчеты | Схемы | Campaign
Отчеты | Схемы | Campaign | Эффективность предложений
Отчеты | Схемы | Campaign | [имя схемы] | Столбцы | [Метрики контактов]
Отчеты | Схемы | Campaign | [имя схемы] | Столбцы | [Метрики ответов]
Отчеты | Схемы | Campaign | Эффективность
Отчеты | Схемы | Campaign | Разбиение ответов на предложения
Отчеты | Схемы | Campaign | Разбиение ответов на предложения | [Тип ответа]
Отчеты | Схемы | Campaign | Разбиение состояния контактов по предложениям кампании
Отчеты | Схемы | Campaign | Разбиение состояния контактов по предложениям кампании | [Код состояния контакта]
Отчеты | Схемы | Campaign | Пользовательские атрибуты | Столбцы | [Пользовательский столбец кампании]
Отчеты | Схемы | Campaign | Пользовательские атрибуты | Столбцы | [Пользовательский столбец предложения]
Отчеты | Схемы | Campaign | Пользовательские атрибуты | Столбцы | [Пользовательский столбец ячейки]
Отчеты | Схемы | Interact
Отчеты | Схемы | Interact | Эффективность взаимодействий
Отчеты | Схемы | eMessage
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | reports
Formatting the Cognos reports
Global report styles
Report page styles
List report styles
Crosstab report styles
Chart styles
Dashboard report styles
Campaign reports and reporting schemas
eMessage Reports and Reporting Schemas
Interact Reports and Reporting Schemas
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