Step: Configure Cognos reporting properties in the Marketing Platform
There are several sets of properties for configuring reporting in IBM® EMM. Some specify parameter values for the reporting components in the Marketing Platform. You have already set these properties, as described in Step: Generate the view or table creation scripts.
Other properties specify URLs and other parameters for the IBM® Cognos® system. This procedure describes how to set these Cognos properties.
Log in to IBM® EMM as the platform_admin user or another user with the ReportsSystem role.
Select Settings > Configuration > Reports > Integration > Cognos version
Set the value of the Enabled property to True.
Set the value of the Domain property to the name of the company domain on which the IBM® Cognos® system is running.
For example,
If your company uses subdomains, the value in this field should include the company domain and the subdomain.
Set the value of the Portal URL property, to the URL of the Cognos® Connection portal. Use a fully qualified host name, including the domain and any subdomains (specified in the Domain property).
For example:
You can find this URL in the Cognos® Configuration utility under Local Configuration > Environment.
In the Dispatch URL field, specify the URL of the primary Cognos® Content Manager dispatcher. Use a fully qualified host name, including the domain and any subdomains (specified in the Domain property).
For example:
You can find this URL in the Cognos® Configuration utility under Local Configuration > Environment.
Leave Authentication mode set to anonymous for now.