Step: Determine which authentication mode to configure
The IBM® Authentication Provider is one of the components that integrates the IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence system with IBM® EMM. This component enables the IBM® Cognos® BI applications to use IBM® authentication to communicate with the IBM® EMM system as though it were another IBM® application in the suite.
There are three authentication options: anonymous, authenticated, and authenticated per user.
Anonymous means authentication is disabled. You use this mode to test your configuration without the added complication of authentication settings.
Authenticated means that the communications between the IBM® system and the IBM® Cognos® system are secured at the machine level. You configure a single system user and configure it with the appropriate access rights. By convention, this user is named "cognos_admin."
Authenticated per user means that the system evaluates individual user credentials.
Determine which authentication mode you need to configure. For a complete description of these options, see "Reporting and security" in the IBM® Marketing Platform Administrator's Guide.