Step: Generate the view or table creation scripts
Complete the following steps.
Log in to IBM® EMM as the platform_admin user (or another user with access to the Report SQL Generator menu item).
Only if you did not use the default JNDI names for the JDBC data sources you created in an earlier step, do the following.
Select Settings > Configuration > Reports > Schemas > ProductName .
Select Settings > Reports SQL Generator.
In the Product field, select the appropriate IBM® application.
In the Schema field, select one or more reporting schemas.
Select the Database Type.
In the Generate Type field, select the appropriate option (views, materialized views, or tables).
Materialized views are not an option when Database Type is set to MS SQL Server.
If the JNDI data source names are incorrect or have not been configured, the SQL Generator cannot validate the SQL.scripts that create tables.
Ensure that Generate Drop Statement is set to No.
The first time you run the view or table creation scripts there are no existing views or tables to drop so there is no need to create drop scripts.
(Optional.) To examine the SQL that will be generated, click Generate. The SQL Generator creates the script and displays it in the browser window.
Click Download.
The SQL Generator creates the script and prompts you to specify where you want to save the file. If you selected a single reporting schema from the Schema field, the script name matches the name of schema (eMessage_Mailing_Performance.sql, for example). If you selected more than one reporting schema, the script name uses the product name only (Campaign.sql, for example). For a complete list of names, see .
The Interact reporting schemas reference more than one data source. Generate a separate SQL script for each data source.
There may be times when you want to disable script validation. For example, perhaps the Marketing Platform cannot connect to the IBM® application database but you want to generate the scripts anyway. To disable validation, clear the data source names from the data source fields (see step 3, above). When you generate the scripts, the SQL Generator displays a warning that it cannot connect to the data source, but it still generates the SQL script.