Step: Create JDBC data sources
The IBM® EMM Reports SQL Generator tool must be able to connect to the IBM® EMM application databases to generate SQL scripts that create reporting tables. The SQL Generator can generate SQL scripts that create views or materialized views without access to the these application databases, but it cannot validate the SQL without a data source connection.
In the application server hosting the Marketing Platform, configure a JDBC data source for each IBM® EMM application for which you want to enable reporting. Use the default JNDI name listed below. If you do not use the default JNDI names described in the following tables, make a note of what they are so you can specify the correct name of the data source when you run the SQL Generator tool.
IBM® application
campaignPartition1DS for the system tables
eMessagePartition1TrackingDS for the tracking tables
campaignPartition1DS for the design-time database
InteractRTDS for the runtime database
InteractLearningDS for the learning tables
If you need additional help with this task, see the application server documentation.