Generate updated SQL scripts for the reporting views or tables
This procedure describes how to generate updated SQL scripts for existing reporting views or tables. If you are configuring views or tables for the first time, do not use this procedure. Instead, see the installation chapter in this guide.
To generate updated SQL scripts, complete the following steps:
Select Settings > Reports SQL Generator. The SQL Generator page appears.
In the Product field, select the appropriate IBM® application.
In the Schema field, select one or more reporting schemas. Use the table in Сценарии SQL по источникам данных to determine the appropriate schemas to select.
Select the Database Type. This option must match the database type of the database for which you are generating the script.
In the Generate Type field, select the appropriate option (views, materialized views, or tables).
Materialized views are not an option when Database Type is set to MS SQL Server.
If the JNDI data source names are incorrect or have not been configured, the SQL Generator cannot validate scripts that create tables.
Set the value in the Generate Drop Statement field to Yes.
(Optional.) To examine the SQL, click Generate. The SQL Generator creates the script and displays it in the browser window.
Click Download.
The SQL Generator creates the script and prompts you to specify where you want to save the file. If you selected a single reporting schema from the Schema field, the script name matches the name of schema (eMessage_Mailing_Execution.sql, for example). If you selected more than one reporting schema, the script name uses the product name only (Campaign.sql, for example). For a complete list of names, see Сценарии SQL по источникам данных.
Repeat steps 7 through 10 but select No in the Drop Statement field this time.
There might be times when you want to disable script validation. For example, perhaps the Marketing Platform cannot connect to the IBM® application database but you want to generate the scripts anyway. To disable validation, clear the values in the data source configuration properties for reporting. When you generate the scripts, the Reports SQL Generator displays a warning that it cannot connect to the data source, but it still generates the SQL script.