Step: Upgrade the 7.5.1 model and install the new reports
The new report packages include new and changed reports as well as dashboard reports for most of the IBM® EMM applications. Although the model can be upgraded, your 7.5.1 reports cannot. Instead you must install the new reports and then either recreate the reporting customizations you made to the 7.5.1 versions or copy the old reports back into the folder.
Navigate to the ProductNameReportsPack\CognosN directory under your IBM® EMM product installation.
The N in the path refers to the Cognos version number.
Copy the reports archive .zip file (for example Unica Reports for to the directory where your Cognos® deployment archives are saved.
The default location is the deployment directory under your IBM® EMM Cognos® installation and it is specified in the Cognos® Configuration tool installed with the Cognos® Content Manager.
For example: cognosN\deployment.
The N in the path refers to the Cognos version number.
In a distributed IBM® Cognos® environment, this is a location on the system running the Content Manager.
If the Reports Pack installation directory and Framework Manager are on different machines, locate the cognosN\model directory under the Reports Pack installation directory, and copy it to the directory on the machine where your Framework Manager is installed.
The N in the path refers to the Cognos version number.
Only if you did not install your IBM® EMM product to the default directory (C:\Unica on Windows) you must update some upgrade scripts as described in this step.
You must update the scripts listed here. The scripts you must update differ, depending on the reports package, as shown below.
The scripts are all located in the ProductNameReportsPack\cognosN\ProductNameModel directory under your IBM® EMM product installation.
The N in the path refers to the Cognos version number.
Campaign with Marketing Operations
Marketing Operations
upgrade86to90_DB2.xml (for DB2 database only)
upgrade86to90_Oracle.xml (for Oracle database only)
upgrade86to90_Sqlserver.xml (for SQLServer database only)
In each script, edit file paths that point to directories where localized language versions of the models are stored to reflect your product install location. Make this change for every language your users need. For example:
install_directory \ReportsPackCampaign\cognosN\CampaignModel\translations\L\translations.txt
The N in the path refers to the Cognos version number.
The L in the path refers to one of the following language indicators.
Open Cognos® Connection.
Select Administer Cognos Content > Configuration > Content Administration.
Click the New Import button on the toolbar and import the reports folder.
Open Cognos® Framework Manager and select the project that corresponds to your old reports.
Select Project > Run Script.
You must run the scripts listed here. The scripts you must run differ, depending on the reports package, as shown below.
The scripts are all located in the ProductNameReportsPack\cognosN\ProductNameModel directory under your IBM® EMM product installation.
The N in the path refers to the Cognos version number.
Campaign with Marketing Operations
Marketing Operations
upgrade86to90_DB2.xml (for DB2 database only)
upgrade86to90_Oracle.xml (for Oracle database only)
upgrade86to90_Sqlserver.xml (for SQLServer database only)
Publish the package to the Cognos® content store.
Alternately, if you can ensure that an old report will work properly with the upgraded model, copy the old report back.
For information about fixing the old Campaign Performance by Cell reports and the old Offer Performance Summary by Campaign reports so they work with the new data model, continue with the remaining procedures in this section.
Optional. See Configure IBM Cognos to use IBM EMM authentication for information about the new authentication mode, "authenticate per user."