Dashboards and partitions
If you are administering dashboards in a multi-partition environment, read this section to understand how multiple partitions affect dashboards. See About partitions and security management for information about how to set up partition membership for users.
In a multi-partition environment, a user can view or administer only those dashboards associated with the partition to which the user belongs.
When a dashboard administrator creates a dashboard, the following partition-related rules apply.
When you have multiple partitions configured, the procedure for setting up dashboards is as follows.
Only the platform_admin user, or another user with the PlatformAdminRole permissions can perform this task.
See Chapter 4, "Managing Security in IBM® " for information about these tasks.
The Marketing Platform AdminRole role has this permission by default, but you might want to create a role with more restricted access for dashboard administrators. These dashboard administrators can administer all dashboards within their partition.
Refer to the list of users you created in the previous step.
On the Settings > Dashboard Portlets page, enable pre-defined portlets as needed.
See Как включить или выключить предварительно заданные портлеты for details.
You can assign individual users or groups to the dashboard.
See the remainder of this chapter for detailed information about performing these tasks.