To map LDAP groups to IBM® groups
Users who belong to the directory server groups you map here are imported and made members of the Marketing Platform group or groups specified here.
Click Settings > Configuration and navigate to the IBM EMM | Platform | Security | Login method details | LDAP Synchronization | LDAP reference to IBM Marketing Platform group map category.
For each directory server group you want to map to a Marketing Platform group, create an LDAP reference to IBM Marketing Platform group category by selecting the (LDAP reference to IBM Marketing Platform group map) template. Set the following properties.
For example, the following values map the LDAP IBMEMMPlatformUsers group to the Marketing Platform marketingopsUsers and campaignUsers groups (FILTER is omitted).
LDAP reference: cn=IBMEMMUsers,cn=Users, dc=myCompany,dc=com
IBM Marketing Platform group: marketingopsUsers;campaignUsers