About managing user roles in IBM® EMM
The IBM® Marketing Platform supports roles and permissions to control user access to objects and features in IBM® EMM applications.
In the 8.0.0 version of IBM® EMM products, only the Marketing Platform itself and Campaign use the Marketing Platform's security functions to manage users' application access in detail. The other IBM® EMM products use some basic application access roles set through the Marketing Platform, and either do not have detailed security settings or the settings are not in the Marketing Platform area of the user interface. IBM® EMM products manage permissions as follows.
In the Marketing Platform, roles and permissions control users' access to the Marketing Platform administration pages and their ability to modify user accounts other than their own account. You manage these roles on the User Roles & Permissions page.
Although the reporting function is a component of the Marketing Platform, it has its own entry on the User Roles & Permissions page, and it has default roles with only broad, basic permissions.
In Interaction History and Attribution Modeler, roles and permissions control users' access to their administration pages and their ability to view reports. You manage these roles on the User Roles & Permissions page.
In Campaign, permissions control users' access to objects and their ability to perform various actions with objects. In Campaign only, permissions can apply to all objects within a folder, and multiple roles can be grouped into a policy, which can then be assigned to a user or group of users. You manage Campaign roles on the User Roles & Permissions page.
For Marketing Operations , setting up the basic roles on the User Roles & Permissions page is only the starting point for developing a customized security scheme. Marketing Operations has a detailed security scheme you can manage through a user interface in the Marketing Operations area.
Distributed Marketing, eMessage, Interact, Lead Referrals, and PredictiveInsight have default roles with broad, basic permissions for application access. They do not have permissions that allow you to define in detail a user's access to these applications.
Contact Optimization, CustomerInsight, and Digital Analytics for On Premises do not have any roles or permissions in the Marketing Platform.