Step: Upgrade the reporting schemas on the Plataforma de Marketing
You must run the IBM® EMM master installer with the reports packs installers to upgrade the reporting schemas and reports integration configuration properties.
To perform this portion of the upgrade, run the IBM® EMM master installer with the appropriate report package installer on the machine where the Plataforma de Marketing is installed, and select the IBM® EMM Product Reporting Schemas installation option.
How to verify that the upgrade has been performed
To verify whether the upgrade has been performed, take the following steps.
Log in to the IBM® EMM system as the platform_admin user.
Select Settings > Configuration.
Expand Reports > Schemas > ProductName .
If the schema configuration categories for your application were not upgraded, you have not yet upgraded reports on the Plataforma de Marketing.
If you are upgrading Operações de Marketing, skip this step (Operações de Marketing does not have reporting schemas).
Expand Reports > Integrations.
If the schema configuration categories were upgraded, and if your current reports installation is pre 8.6.0, you will see a new category for Cognos® 10 configuration. Your Cognos 8 category is disabled, but it is retained for reference purposes, to assist you in setting the configuration properties for Cognos® 10. After you have fully configured and tested your reporting upgrade, you should use the Delete Category link to remove the Cognos® 8 configuration category.