Step: Install the reporting models and integration component on the IBM® Cognos® system
If yours is a distributed Cognos® installation, determine which machine is running the Cognos® Content Manager so you can run the IBM® EMM installers on this machine.
On the machine where the Cognos® Content Manager is installed, place the following IBM® EMM installers in a single directory.
IBM® EMM master installer
Run the IBM® EMM master installer, and select the Plataforma de Marketing and Reports packages you want to install.
Following the prompts, enter the connection information for the Plataforma de Marketing system table database.
When the Plataforma de Marketing installer launches and the Platform Installation Components window appears, select the Reports for IBM Cognos 10 BI option and clear the other options
When the Plataforma de Marketing installer prompts for the path to the JDBC driver, enter the fully qualified path for the JDBC driver you copied to the Cognos® system during the task Step: Obtain the JDBC driver for the Plataforma de Marketing system tables.
When the Plataforma de Marketing installer prompts for the location of the IBM® Cognos® installation, enter or browse to the top level of the IBM® Cognos® installation directory.
The default value provided in this field is a static value that is not based on the actual file structure of your IBM® Cognos® system.
When the report pack installer or installers displays installation options, select Product Reports Package, and clear the option for the reporting schemas.
This option copies the reports archive to the Cognos® machine. You import this archive later.