Retaining the platform_admin account
In a multi-partition environment, at least one user account with the PlatformAdminRole role in the Plataforma de Marketing is required, to enable you to administer security for IBM® EMM users across all partitions.
The platform_admin account is pre-configured with the PlatformAdminRole role. The platform_admin account is a superuser that cannot be deleted or disabled through the Users functions in IBM® EMM. However, this account is subject to the password constraints of any other user. For example, if someone attempting to log in as platform_admin enters an incorrect password N times in a row (depending on the password rules in effect), the platform_admin account is disabled in the system. To restore this account you must take one of the following actions.
If you have another user with the PlatformAdminRole role in the Plataforma de Marketing, log in as that user and reset the platform_admin user’s password or create another account with the PlatformAdminRole role in the Plataforma de Marketing.
If you have only one user with the PlatformAdminRole role in the Plataforma de Marketing (for example, platform_admin), and this user is disabled, you can create a new platform_admin account as described in O Utilitário restoreAccess.
To avoid a situation where you must restore PlatformAdminRole access using the restoreAccess utility, it is a good practice to create more than one account with PlatformAdminRole privileges.