To set user attributes map properties
Click Settings > Configuration and navigate to the IBM EMM | Platform | Security | LDAP Synchronization category.
Set values in the User attributes map section to map the listed IBM® EMM user attributes to the user attributes in your directory server.
If you are using group based synchronization, the only property you are required to map is User login. Typically, this value is uid in LDAP servers and sAMAccountName in Windows Active Directory servers. Use the value you verified in the earlier step, "Obtain required information."
If you are using attribute based synchronization, map the attributes on which you want to search.
Note the following.
The properties that you map here are replaced for the imported users each time the Plataforma de Marketing synchronizes with your directory server.
The Plataforma de Marketing requires that email addresses conform to the definition stated in RFC 821. If the email addresses on your directory server do not conform to this standard, do not map them as attributes to be imported.
If your directory server database allows an attribute to have more characters than is allowed in the Plataforma de Marketing system tables, as shown in the following table, the attribute value is truncated to fit.