Data filter concepts
To understand how to set up data filters, you need to be familiar with some concepts used in the data filter feature, in databases in general, and in Campaign in particular (if you are setting up data filters that will be used in an application in the Campaign family).
data configuration – A data configuration groups a set of data filters. All data filters that secure related data are associated with the same data configuration.
audience - The field or fields in customer tables designated in Campaign as an audience level. Typical audience levels are household and individual.
physical field name – The physical names of fields in a database table are the names you see when you view the tables directly in the database client. When the data filter is in use, it uses the physical name when querying the customer database.
logical field name – When you define data filters, you assign logical names to physical fields. If you are setting up data filters that will be used in an application in the Campaign family, these logical names must be the same as names assigned to fields in Campaign . This name is used by the utility when it generates data filters.