About partitions and security management
Partitions in Campaign and related products provide a way to secure the data associated with different groups of users. With partitioning, a user’s partition appears as if it were a separate running instance of Campaign , with no indication that other partitions are running on the same system. This section describes special security management considerations in a multi-partition environment
User membership in a partition
You assign users to a partition based on their group membership. You assign a group to a partition and then assign users to a group to give them access to a partition.
A group or subgroup may be assigned to just one partition, and parent groups do not acquire the partition assignments of their subgroups. Only the platform_admin user, or another account with the PlatformAdminRole role, can assign a group to a partition.
You should make a user a member of only one partition.
About roles and partitions
A role always exists in the context of a partition. In a single-partition environment, all roles are automatically created within the default partition, partition1. In a multi-partition environment, a role is created in the partition of the user who created it. The exception is the platform_admin user and any other accounts with the PlatformAdminRole role; these accounts can create roles in any partition.
More information about partitions
This section provides instructions on assigning a group to a partition, and assigning users to groups. For complete details on configuring partitions, see the Campaign installation documentation.