Step: Create the Marketing Platform system table database or schema
Work with a database administrator to create the Marketing Platform system table database or schema.
Follow these vendor-specific guidelines.
If your Marketing Platform system tables are in Oracle, you must enable auto commit for the environment open. See the Oracle documentation for instructions.
If your Marketing Platform system tables are in DB2®, set the database page size to at least 16k (32k if you need to support Unicode). See the DB2® documentation for instructions.
If Marketing Platform system tables are in SQL Server, you must use either SQL Server authentication only, or both SQL Server and Windows authentication, because the Marketing Platform requires SQL Server authentication. If necessary, change the database configuration so that your database authentication includes SQL Server. Also be sure that TCP/IP is enabled in your SQL Server.
If you plan to enable locales that use multi-byte characters (for example, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese), ensure that the database is created to support them.
Have the database administrator create an account that can be used to create and populate the Marketing Platform system tables. This is done later in the installation process, and can be performed manually or automatically by the IBM® EMM installer
This account must have at least the following rights.