General | Password settings
Properties in this category specify the policies that apply to IBM® EMM passwords. Most of these password options apply only to passwords for internal users (created within the Marketing Platform), not to external users (imported from an external system). The exception is the Maximum failed login attempts allowed property, which affects both internal and external users. Also note that this property does not override any similar restriction set in an external system.
Maximum failed login attempts allowed
Specifies the maximum number of times an invalid password may be entered each time a user logs in. If the maximum is reached, the user is disabled in the IBM® EMM system, and no one can log in as that user.
If set to zero or less, the system allows an infinite number of consecutive failures.
Default value
Valid Values
Any integer
Password history count
Specifies the number of old passwords the system retains for a user. The user is not allowed to reuse any passwords within this list of old passwords. If the value is set to zero or less, then no history is retained, and the user may reuse the same password repeatedly. Note that the password history count does not include the password initially assigned to a user account when it is created.
Default value
Valid Values
Any integer
Validity (in days)
Specifies the number of days before a user’s password expires.
If the value is zero or less, then the password never expires.
If the value is greater than zero, users are required to change their password the first time they log in, and the expiration interval is counted from the date of the first login.
If you change this value after users and passwords have been created, the new expiration date takes effect for existing users the next time they change their password.
Default value
Valid Values
Any integer
Blank passwords allowed
Specifies whether the a blank password is allowed.If you set this to true you should also set Minimum character length=0.
Default value
Valid Values
true | false
Allow identical user name and password
Specifies whether the user’s password is allowed to be the same as the user’s login name.
Default value
Valid Values
true | false
Minimum number of letter characters
Specifies the minimum number of letters required in a password. If the value is zero or less, then there is no minimum requirement.
Default value
Valid Values
Any integer
Minimum number of numeric characters
Specifies the minimum number of numbers required in a password. If the value is zero or less, then there is no minimum requirement.
Default value
Valid Values
Any integer
Minimum character length
Specifies the minimum length of a password. If the value is zero or less, then there is no minimum requirement. If you set the value to greater than 0, you should also set Blank passwords allowed=false.
Default value
Valid Values
Any integer