Interaction History | partitions | partition[n] | eMessage
Properties in this category specify the eMessage data source in this partition.
The values you set for database type, DSN, and login properties in this category are most often the same as those you set for the equivalent properties in the Interaction History | partitions | partition[n] | CampaignAndInteract category, except when the eMessage and Campaign tables are in different databases or schema.
Each partition that you add includes this sub category.
Database Type
The Interaction History | partitions | partition[n] | eMessage | type property specifies the database type of the eMessage system tables in this partition.
Default value
Valid values
eMessage DSN
Set this property as follows.
If the database or schema type is DB2®, set to the DB2® instance name.
Default value
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Datasource UserName
Set to the login name of the IBM® EMM user account that has the data source holding the database credentials for the eMessage system table database or schema.
Default value
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eMessage DSN Database (Only for DB2®)
Set this property only if the database or schema that holds the eMessage system tables is DB2®. In that case, set to the DB name.
Default value
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Default Channel
This property specifies the name given to the email channel in your Interaction History reports. You must give the email channel the same name when you map channels on the Interaction History Settings page.
Default value
eMessage Contact Cost
This property specifies the cost of each email contact in this partition.
Default value
eMessage Response Cost
This property specifies the cost of each email response in this partition.
Default value
eMessage URL Treatment Parameter
The name of the parameter used in eMessage to hold the treatment code.
Default value
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