Campaign | Partitions | partition[n] | dataSources
Choose Campaign | Partitions | partition[n] | dataSources to configure how IBM® Campaign interacts with databases, including its own system tables.
These properties specify the databases that IBM® Campaign can access and they control many aspects of how queries are formed.
Each data source that you add in Campaign is represented by a category under partition[n] > dataSources > DATA_SOURCE_NAME.
The Campaign system tables data source for each partition must be named UA_SYSTEM_TABLES in the Marketing Platform, and a dataSources > UA_SYSTEM_TABLES category must exist in the Configuration page for every Campaign partition.
Campaign chooses its data source access library according to the data source type. For example, is used for Oracle connectivity, while is used for DB2® connectivity. In most cases, the default selections are appropriate. However, the AccessLibrary property can be changed if the default value proves to be incorrect in your Campaign environment. For example, 64-bit Campaign provides two ODBC access libraries: one appropriate for ODBC data sources compatible with the unixODBC implementation ( and the other compatible with the DataDirect implementation (, used by Campaign to access, for example, Teradata).
Additional libraries for AIX®
Campaign includes two additional libraries for AIX® ODBC driver managers that support the ODBC ANSI API rather than the ODBC Unicode API:
If you determine that the default access library must be overridden, set this parameter as required (for example, to, overriding the default selection of
Default value
No default value defined.
The AliasPrefix property specifies the way Campaign forms the alias name that Campaign creates automatically when using a dimension table and writing to a new table.
Note that each database has a maximum identifier length; check the documentation for the database you are using to be sure that the value you set does not exceed the maximum identifier length for your database.
Default value
This property determines whether Campaign attempts to do a SQL join of base tables (from the same data source) used in a Select process; otherwise, the equivalent join is done on the Campaign server.
Default value
Valid Values
The AllowSegmentUsingSQLCase property specifies whether the Campaign Segment process consolidates multiple SQL statements into a single SQL statement, when specific configuration conditions are met.
Setting this property to TRUE results in significant performance improvements when all of the following conditions are met:
In this case, Campaign generates a single SQL CASE statement to perform segmentation, followed by segment-by-field processing on the Campaign application server.
Default value
Valid Values
The AllowTempTables property specifies whether Campaign creates temporary tables in the database. Creating temporary tables can significantly improve the performance of campaigns. When the value is TRUE, temporary tables are enabled.
When temporary tables are enabled, each time a query is issued against the database (for example, by the Segment process), the resulting IDs are written in a temporary table in the database. When an additional query is issued, Campaign may use that temporary table to retrieve rows from the database.
If temporary tables are not enabled, Campaign retains the selected IDs in the server memory. The additional query retrieves IDs from the database and matches them to the IDs in server memory.
For more information about controlling temporary table joins, see MaxTempTableJoinPctSelectAll and MaxTempTableJoinPctWithCondition.
You must have appropriate privileges to write in the database to use temporary tables. Privileges are determined by the database login that you provide when you connect to the database.
Default value
The ASMSaveDBAuthentication property specifies whether, when you log in to Campaign and map a table in a data source you die not previously log in to, Campaign saves your user name and password in IBM® EMM.
If you set this property to TRUE, Campaign does not prompt you for a user name and password when you log in to the data source. If you set this property to FALSE, Campaign prompts you for a user name and password each time you log in to the data source.
Default value
Valid Values
The ASMUserForDBCredentials property specifies the IBM® EMM user name that is assigned to the Campaign system user (required for accessing the Campaign system tables).
This property is undefined by default.
Default value
No default value defined.
The BulkInsertBlockSize property defines the maximum size of a data block, in number of records, that Campaign passes to the database at a time.
Default value
The BulkInsertRequiresColumnType property is required to support Data Direct ODBC data sources only. Set this property to TRUE for Data Direct ODBC data sources when you use bulk (array) inserts. Set the property to FALSE to be compatible with most other ODBC drivers.
Default value
The BulkReaderBlockSize property defines the size of a data block, in number of records, that Campaign reads from the database at a time.
Default value
The ConditionalSQLCloseBracket property specifies the type of bracket that is used to indicate the end of a conditional segment in raw SQL custom macros. Conditionalized segments that are enclosed in the specified open and close bracket type are used only if temp tables exist. They are ignored if there are no temp tables.
Default value
} (closing curly brace)
The ConditionalSQLOpenBracket property specifies the type of bracket used to indicate the start of a conditional segment in raw SQL custom macros. Conditionalized segments enclosed within the brackets specified by the ConditionalSQLOpenBracket and ConditionalSQLCloseBracket properties are used only if temp tables exist, and are ignored if there are no temp tables.
Default value
{ (opening curly brace)
The ConnectionCacheSize property specifies the number of connections that Campaign maintains in a cache for each data source.
By default (N=0), Campaign establishes a new connection to a data source for each operation; if Campaign maintains a cache of connections and a connection is available for reuse, Campaign uses the cached connection rather than establishing a new connection.
If the setting is not 0, when a process is done with a connection, Campaign keeps up to the specified number of connections open for an amount of time that is specified by the InactiveConnectionTimeout property. After this time expires, the connections are removed from the cache and closed.
Default value
0 (zero)
Campaign uses the value of the DateFormat property to determine how to parse data in date formats when using the Campaign macro language or when interpreting data from date columns.
Set the value of the DateFormat property to the format in which Campaign expects to receive dates from this data source. The value must match the format that your database uses to display dates on select. For most databases, this setting is the same as the setting for the DateOutputFormatString property.
To determine the date format your database uses, select a date from the database as described below.
Selecting a date by database
Connect to the database from a machine that is running the Campaign server. Use db2test in the Campaign\bin directory to connect and issue the following command:
Connect to the database from a machine that is running the Campaign server. Use odbctest, in the Campaign\bin directory, to connect and issue the following command:
SELECT current_date FROM ANY_TABLE limit 1;
where ANY_TABLE is the name of any existing table
Log in to the database from the machine that is running the Campaign server. Use SQL *Plus to connect and issue the following command:
Connect to the database from a machine that is running the Campaign listener. Use odbctest, in the Campaign\bin directory, to connect and issue the following command:
Additional considerations
Note the following database-specific instructions.
Teradata allows you to define the date format on a per-column basis. In addition to dateFormat and dateOutputFormatString, you must set SuffixOnCreateDateField. To be consistent with our system table settings, use:
SuffixOnCreateDateField = FORMAT 'YYYY-MM-DD'
DateFormat = DELIM_Y_M_D
SQL Server
If the Use regional settings when outputting currency, numbers, dates, and times option is not checked in the ODBC data source configuration, then you cannot reset the date format. In general, it is easier to leave this setting cleared so that the date format configuration does not change for each language.
Default value
Valid Values
Any of the formats that are specified in the DATE macro
The DateOutputFormatString property specifies the format of the date datatype to be used when Campaign writes any date, such as a campaign start or end date, to a database. Set the value of the DateOutputFormatString property to the format that the data source expects for columns of the type date. For most databases, this setting is the same as the setting for the [data_source_name] > DateFormat property.
The DateOutputFormatString property can be set to any of the formats that are specified for format_strin the DATE_FORMAT macro. The DATE_FORMAT macro accepts two different kinds of formats. One is an identifier (for example, DELIM_M_D_Y, DDMMMYYYY, the same as accepted by the DATE macro), while the other is a format string. The value of the DateOutputFormatString property must be a format string - it must not be one of the DATE macro identifiers. Typically, use one of the delimited formats.
You can verify whether you selected the correct format by creating a table and inserting a date in the format you selected, as described in the following procedure.
To verify DateOutputFormatString
Do not use the query tools that come with the database (such as SQL Server’s Query Analyzer) to verify that dates are being sent to the database correctly. These query tools might convert the date format to something other than what Campaign actually sent to the database.
CREATE TABLE date_test (F1 DATE)
INSERT INTO date_test VALUES ('03/31/2004')
If the database allows the INSERT command to complete successfully, then you selected the correct format.
Default value
The value of the [data_source_name] > DateTimeFormat property specifies the format in which Campaign expects to receive datetime/timestamp data from a database. It must match the format your database uses to display datetime/timestamp data on select. For most databases, this setting is the same as the setting for DateTimeOutputFormatString.
Typically, you set the DateTimeFormat by prepending your DateFormat value with DT_ after determining the DateFormat value as described in the table for " Selecting a date by database".
Default value
Valid Values
Only delimited formats are supported, as follows:
The DateTimeOutputFormatString property specifies the format of the datetime datatype to be used when Campaign writes any datetime, such as a campaign start or end date and time, to a database. Set the value of the DateTimeOutputFormatString property to the format that the data source expects for columns of the type datetime. For most databases, this setting is the same as the setting for the [data_source_name] > DateTimeFormat property.
See DateOutputFormatString for a method for verifying that the format you select is correct.
Default value
%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S
The DB2NotLoggedInitially property determines whether Campaign uses the not logged initially SQL syntax when populating temporary tables in DB2®. When set to TRUE, this property disables logging for inserts in to temp tables, which improves performance and decreases database resource consumption.
If your version of DB2® does not support the not logged initially syntax, set this property to FALSE.
Default value
Valid Values
The DB2NotLoggedInitiallyUserTables property determines whether Campaign uses the not logged initially SQL syntax for inserts into DB2® user tables. When set to TRUE, this property disables logging for inserts into the user tables, which improves performance and decreases database resource consumption.
When set to TRUE, if a user table transaction fails for any reason, the table will become corrupted and must be dropped. All data previously contained in the table will be lost.
The DB2NotLoggedInitiallyUserTables property is not used for the Campaign system tables.
Default value
Valid Values
The DefaultScale property is used when Campaign creates a database field to store numeric values from a flat file, when using the Snapshot or Export process.
This property is not used for numeric values originating in a database table, unless the database field omits information about precision and scale. (Precision indicates the total number of digits allowed for the field. Scale indicates the number of digits allowed to the right of the decimal point. For example, 6.789 has a precision of 4 and a scale of 3. Values obtained from a database table include information about precision and scale, which Campaign uses when creating the field.)
Flat files do not indicate precision and scale. Use DefaultScale to specify how many places to the right of the decimal point to define for the field that is created. For example:
DefaultScale=0 creates a field with no places to the right of the decimal point (only whole numbers can be stored).
DefaultScale=5 creates a field with a maximum of 5 values to the right of the decimal point.
If the value set for DefaultScale exceeds the field's precision, DefaultScale=0 is used for those fields. For example, if the precision is 5, and DefaultScale=6, a value of zero is used.
Default value
0 (zero)
The DefaultTextType property is intended for ODBC data sources. This property tells Campaign how to create text fields in the destination data source if the source text fields are from a different data source type. For example, the source text fields might be from a flat file or from a different type of DBMS. If the source text fields are from the same type of DBMS, this property is ignored and the text fields are created in the destination data source using the data types from the source text fields.
Default value
Valid Values
The DeleteAsRecreate property specifies whether, when an output process is configured to REPLACE TABLE and if TRUNCATE is not supported, Campaign drops and recreates the table or only deletes from the table.
When the value is TRUE, Campaign drops the table and recreates it.
When the value is FALSE, Campaign executes a DELETE FROM from the table.
Default value
Valid Values
The DeleteAsTruncate property specifies whether, when an output process is configured to REPLACE TABLE, Campaign uses TRUNCATE TABLE or deletes from the table.
When the value is TRUE, Campaign runs a TRUNCATE TABLE from the table.
When the value is FALSE, Campaign runs a DELETE FROM from the table.
The default value depends on the database type.
Default value
TRUE for Netezza®, Oracle, and SQLServer.
FALSE for other database types.
Valid Values
The DisallowTempTableDirectCreate property specifies the way Campaign adds data to a temp table.
When set to FALSE, Campaign performs direct create-and-populate SQL syntax using one command; for example, CREATE TABLE <table_name> AS ... (for Oracle and Netezza®) and SELECT <field_names> INTO <table_name> ... (for SQL Server).
When set to TRUE, Campaign creates the temp table and then populates it directly from table to table using separate commands.
Default value
Valid Values
Set this property to the data source name (DSN) as assigned in your ODBC configuration for this Campaign data source. This value is undefined by default.
Using the Campaign data source configuration properties, you can specify multiple logical data sources that refer to the same physical data source. For example, you can create two sets of data source properties for the same data source, one with AllowTempTables = TRUE and the other with AllowTempTables = FALSE. Each of these data sources would have a different name in Campaign, but if they refer to the same physical data source and they will have the same DSN value.
Default value
No default value defined.
The DSNUsingOSAuthentication property applies only when an Campaign data source is SQL Server. Set the value to TRUE when the DSN is configured to use Windows Authentication mode.
Default value
Valid Values
The EnableBaseDimSelfJoin property specifies whether the Campaign database behavior will perform self-joins when the Base and Dimension tables are mapped to the same physical table and the Dimension is not related to the Base table on the Base table's ID field(s).
By default, this property is set to FALSE, and when the Base and Dimension tables are the same database table and the relationship fields are the same (for example, AcctID to AcctID), Campaign assumes that you do not want to perform a join.
Default value
The EnableSelectDistinct property specifies whether the internal lists of IDs for Campaign are de-duplicated by the Campaign server or by the database.
When the value is TRUE, the database performs de-duplication, and SQL queries generated against the database then have the form (when appropriate):
When the value is FALSE, the Campaign server performs de-duplication, and SQL queries generated against the database have the form:
SELECT key FROM table
Leave the default value of FALSE if:
You want the Campaign application server to perform de-duplication to reduce resource consumption/burden on the database.
Regardless of what value you specify for this property, Campaign automatically ensures that keys are de-duplicated as required. This property merely controls where the de-duplication effort occurs (on the database or on the Campaign server).
Default value
Valid Values
The EnableSelectOrderBy property specifies whether the internal lists of IDs for Campaignare sorted by the Campaign server or by the database.
When the value is TRUE, the database performs the sorting, and SQL queries generated against the database have the form:
SELECT <key> FROM <table> ORDER BY <key>
When the value is FALSE, the Campaign server performs the sorting, and SQL queries generated against the database have the form:
SELECT <key>FROM <table>
Only set this property to FALSE if the audience levels used are text strings on a non-English database. All other scenarios can use the default of TRUE.
Default value
Valid Values
True | False
The ExcludeFromTableDisplay parameter allows you to limit the database tables that are displayed during table mapping in Campaign. It does not reduce the number of table names retrieved from the database.
Table names matching the specified patterns are not displayed.
For example, if you set the value of this parameter to sys.*, tables with names that begin with sys. are not displayed. Note that the values for this parameter are case-sensitive.
Default value
UAC_*, which excludes temp tables and Extract tables, when the ExtractTablePrefix property’s value is the default value
Use the ExtractTablePostExecutionSQL property to specify one or more complete SQL statements that run immediately after the creation and population of an Extract table.
Tokens available to ExtractTablePostExecutionSQL are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which the Extract table was created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
A valid SQL statement
The ExtractTablePrefix property specifies a string that is automatically prepended to all Extract table names in Campaign.
Default value
The ForceNumeric property specifies whether Campaign retrieves numeric values as the data type double. When the value is set to TRUE, Campaign retrieves all numeric values as the data type double.
Default value
Valid Values
The InactiveConnectionTimeout property specifies the number of seconds an inactive Campaign database connection is left open before it is closed. Setting the value to 0 disables the timeout, leaving the connection open.
Default value
The InsertLogSize property specifies when a new entry is entered in the log file while the Campaign Snapshot process is running. Every time the number of records written by the Snapshot process reaches a multiple of the number specified in the InsertLogSize property, a log entry is written. The log entries can help you determine how far a running Snapshot process has progressed. Setting this value too low may create large log files.
Default value
100000 (one hundred thousand records)
Valid Values
Positive integers
The JndiName property is used only when configuring the Campaign system tables (not for other data sources, such as customer tables). Set its value to the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) data source that is defined in the application server (WebSphere® or WebLogic).
Default value
The LoaderCommand property specifies the command issued to invoke your database load utility in Campaign. If you set this parameter, Campaign enters the database loader utility mode for all output files from the Snapshot process that are used with the “replace all records” settings. This parameter also invokes the database loader utility mode when Campaign uploads ID lists into temp tables.
The valid value for this property is any full path name either to the database load utility executable or to a script that launches the database load utility. Using a script allows you to perform additional setup before invoking the load utility.
Most database load utilities require several arguments to be launched successfully. These arguments can include specifying the data file and control file to load from and the database and table to load into. Campaign supports the following tokens, which are replaced by the specified elements when the command is run. Consult your database load utility documentation for the correct syntax to use when invoking your database load utility.
This parameter is undefined by default.
Tokens available to LoaderCommand are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart being run.
This token is replaced with the full path and file name to the temporary control file that Campaign generates according to the template that is specified in the LoaderControlFileTemplate parameter.
This token is replaced with the name of the data source that Campaign is loading data into. This is the same data source name used in the category name for this data source.
This token is replaced with the full path and file name to the temporary data file created by Campaign during the loading process. This file is in the Campaign Temp directory, UNICA_ACTMPDIR.
This token is replaced with the value of the DSN property. If the DSN property is not set, the <DSN> token is replaced by the data source name used in the category name for this data source (the same value used to replace the <DATABASE> token).
This token is replaced with the database table name that Campaign is loading data into. This is the target table from your Snapshot process or the name of the Temp Table being created by Campaign.
Default value
No default value defined.
Valid Values
Any full path name either to the database load utility executable or to a script that launches the database load utility
The LoaderCommandForAppend parameter specifies the command issued to invoke your database load utility for appending records to a database table in Campaign. If you set this parameter, Campaign enters database loader utility mode for all output files from the Snapshot process that are used with the “append records” settings.
This parameter is specified as a full path name either to the database load utility executable or to a script that launches the database load utility. Using a script allows you to perform additional setup before invoking the load utility.
Most database load utilities require several arguments to be successfully launched. These can include specifying the data file and control file to load from and the database and table to load into. The tokens are replaced by the specified elements when the command is run.
Consult your database load utility documentation for the correct syntax to use when invoking your database load utility.
This parameter is undefined by default.
Tokens available to LoaderCommandForAppend are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart being run.
This token is replaced with the full path and file name to the temporary control file that Campaign generates according to the template that is specified in the LoaderControlFileTemplate parameter.
This token is replaced with the name of the data source that Campaign is loading data into. This is the same data source name used in the category name for this data source.
This token is replaced with the full path and file name to the temporary data file created by Campaign during the loading process. This file is in the Campaign Temp directory, UNICA_ACTMPDIR.
This token is replaced with the value of the DSN property. If the DSN property is not set, the <DSN> token is replaced by the data source name used in the category name for this data source (the same value used to replace the <DATABASE> token).
This token is replaced with the database table name that Campaign is loading data into. This is the target table from your Snapshot process or the name of the Temp Table being created by Campaign.
Default value
No default value defined.
The LoaderControlFileTemplate property specifies the full path and file name to the control file template configured in Campaign. When this parameter is set, Campaign dynamically builds a temporary control file based on the template that you specify here. The path and name of this temporary control file is available to the <CONTROLFILE> token that is available to the LoaderCommand parameter.
Before you use Campaign in the database loader utility mode, you must configure the control file template that is specified by this parameter. The control file template supports the following tokens, which are dynamically replaced when the temporary control file is created by Campaign.
For the correct syntax required for your control file, see your database loader utility documentation.
This parameter is undefined by default.
Tokens available to LoaderControlFileTemplate are the same as those described for the LoaderCommand property, plus the following special tokens, which are repeated once for each field in the outbound table.
This token is replaced with the literal "CHAR( )". The length of this field is specified between the (). If your database happens to not understand the field type, CHAR, you can manually specify the appropriate text for the field type and use the <FIELDLENGTH> token. For example, for SQLSVR and SQL2000 you would use "SQLCHAR(<FIELDLENGTH>)"
Default value
No default value defined.
The LoaderControlFileTemplateForAppend property specifies the full path and file name to the control file template configured in Campaign. When this parameter is set, Campaign dynamically builds a temporary control file based on the template that is specified here. The path and name of this temporary control file is available to the <CONTROLFILE> token that is available to the LoaderCommandForAppend property.
Before you use Campaign in the database loader utility mode, you must configure the control file template that is specified by this parameter. The control file template supports the following tokens, which are dynamically replaced when the temporary control file is created by Campaign.
See your database loader utility documentation for the correct syntax required for your control file. Tokens available to your control file template are the same as those for the LoaderControlFileTemplate property.
This parameter is undefined by default.
Default value
No default value defined.
The LoaderDelimiter property specifies whether the temporary data file is a fixed-width or delimited flat file, and, if it is delimited, the characters Campaign uses as delimiters.
If the value is undefined, Campaign creates the temporary data file as a fixed width flat file.
If you specify a value, it is used when the loader is invoked to populate a table that is known to be empty. Campaign creates the temporary data file as a delimited flat file, using the value of this property as the delimiter.
This property is undefined by default.
Default value
No default value defined.
Valid Values
Characters, which can be enclosed in double quotation marks, if wanted.
Some external load utilities require that the data file be delimited and that each line end with the delimiter. To accommodate this requirement, set the LoaderDelimiterAtEnd value to TRUE, so that when the loader is invoked to populate a table that is known to be empty, Campaign uses delimiters at the end of each line.
Default value
Valid Values
Some external load utilities require that the data file be delimited and that each line end with the delimiter. To accommodate this requirement, set the LoaderDelimiterAtEndForAppend value to TRUE, so that when the loader is invoked to populate a table that is not known to be empty, Campaign uses delimiters at the end of each line.
Default value
Valid Values
The LoaderDelimiterForAppend property specifies whether the temporary Campaign data file is a fixed-width or delimited flat file, and, if it is delimited, the character or set of characters used as delimiters.
If the value is undefined, Campaign creates the temporary data file as a fixed width flat file.
If you specify a value, it is used when the loader is invoked to populate a table that is not known to be empty. Campaign creates the temporary data file as a delimited flat file, using the value of this property as the delimiter.
This property is undefined by default.
Default value
No default value defined.
Valid Values
Characters, which you may enclose in double quotation marks, if wanted.
The LoaderUseLocaleDP property specifies, when Campaign writes numeric values to files to be loaded by a database load utility, whether the locale-specific symbol is used for the decimal point.
Set this value to FALSE to specify that the period (.) is used as the decimal point.
Set this value to TRUE to specify that the decimal point symbol appropriate to the locale is used.
Default value
Valid Values
Allows you to specify the maximum number of items that Campaign is allowed to include in a single list in SQL (for example, the list of values following an IN operator in a WHERE clause).
Default value
1000 (Oracle only), 0 (unlimited) for all other databases
Valid Values
The MaxQueryThreads property specifies the upper limit on the number of simultaneous queries allowed to run against each database source from a single Campaign flowchart.
Campaign runs database queries using independent threads. Because Campaign processes run in parallel, it is common to have multiple queries running simultaneously against a single data source. If the number of queries to be run in parallel exceeds the value specified by this property, the Campaign server automatically limits the number of simultaneous queries to this value.
The maximum value is unlimited. Note that when the maxReuseThreads property is set to a non-zero value, it should be greater than or equal to the value ofMaxQueryThreads.
Default value
Varies depending on the database
When the selected number of IDs is less than the value specified by the MaxRowFetchRecords property, Campaign passes the IDs to the database, one at a time in a separate SQL query. This process may be very time-consuming. If the number of selected IDs is greater than the value specified by this parameter, Campaign uses temporary tables (if allowed against the database source), or it pulls down all the values from the table, not including any unnecessary values.
For performance reasons, it is best to keep this number low.
Default value
When a query is issued, Campaign creates a temporary table on the database containing the exact list of IDs, as a result of the query. When an additional query that selects all records is issued against the database, the MaxTempTableJoinPctSelectAll property specifies whether a join is performed with the temporary table.
If the relative size of the temporary table (specified as a percentage) is greater than the value of the MaxTempTableJoinPctSelectAll property, no join is performed. All records are selected first, then unwanted records are discarded.
If the relative size of the temporary table (specified as a percentage) is less than or equal to the value of MaxTempTableJoinPctSelectAll property, the join is performed with the temporary table first, and then the resulting IDs are retrieved to the server.
This property is applicable only if the value of the AllowTempTables property is set to TRUE. This property is ignored if the useInDbOptimization property is set to YES.
Default value
Valid Values
Integers between 0-100. A value of 0 means that temporary table joins are never used; a value of 100 means that table joins are always used, regardless of the size of the temporary table.
Assume that MaxTempTableJoinPctSelectAll is set to 90. First, you might want to select customers (CustID) with account balances (Accnt_balance) greater than $1,000 from the database table (Customer).
The corresponding SQL expression generated by the Select process may look like this:
WHERE Accnt_balance > 1000
The Select process may retrieve 100,000 IDs from the total table size of 1,000,000, which is 10%. If temporary tables are allowed, Campaign writes the selected IDs (TempID) into a temporary table (Temp_table) in the database.
Then, you might want to snapshot the selected IDs (CustID) together with the actual balance (Accnt_balance). Since the relative size of the temporary table (Temp_table) is less than 90 percent (MaxTempTableJoinPctSelectAll), the join is done with the temporary table first. The SQL expression generated by the Snapshot process may look like this:
SELECT CustID, Accnt_balance FROM Customer, Temp_table WHERE CustID = TempID
If the Select process retrieves more than 90 percent the subsequent Snapshot process retrieves all the records, and matches them with the first set of IDs, discarding the unnecessary ones.
The SQL expression generated by the Snapshot process may look like this:
SELECT CustID, Accnt_balance FROM Customer
When a query is issued, Campaign creates a temporary table on the database containing the exact list of IDs, as a result of the query. When an additional query, selecting records with limitation conditions is issued against the database, the MaxTempTableJoinPctWithCondition property specifies whether a join should be performed with the temporary table.
If the relative size of the temporary table (specified as a percentage) is greater than the value of MaxTempTableJoinPctWithCondition, no join is performed. This avoids the overhead in the database where it may not be needed. In this case, the query is issued against the database, the resulting list of IDs retrieved, and then unwanted records are discarded as they are matched to the list in server memory.
If the relative size of the temporary table (in percentage) is less than or equal to the value of MaxTempTableJoinPctWithCondition, the join is done with the temporary table first, and then the resulting IDs are retrieved to the server.
This property is applicable only if the value of the AllowTempTables property is set to TRUE.
Default value
Valid Values
Integers between 0-100. A value of 0 means that temporary table joins are never used; a value of 100 means that table joins are always used, regardless of the size of the temporary table.
Use this property to set the threshold for using the bulk loader. Campaign invokes the script assigned to the LoaderCommand parameter when the number of unique IDs in the input cell exceeds the value defined here. The value of this property does not represent the number of records that will be written.
If this property is not configured, Campaign assumes that the value is the default value (zero). If this property is configured but a negative value or non-integer value is set as the value, Campaign assumes that the value is zero.
Default value
0 (zero)
Valid Values
Use this property to set the threshold for using the bulk loader. Campaign invokes the script assigned to the LoaderCommandForAppend parameter when the number of unique IDs in the input cell exceeds the value defined here. The value of this property does not represent the number of records that will be written.
If this property is not configured, Campaign assumes that the value is the default value (zero). If this property is configured but a negative value or non-integer value is set as the value, Campaign assumes that the value is zero.
Default value
0 (zero)
Valid Values
Positive integers
The NumberOfRetries property specifies the number of times Campaign automatically retries a database operation on failure. Campaign automatically resubmits queries to the database this number of times before reporting a database error or failure.
Default value
0 (zero)
This property is empty by default, which is appropriate for all currently supported data sources.
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
The ODBCUnicode property specifies the type of encoding used in Campaign ODBC calls. It is used only with ODBC data sources and is ignored when used with Oracle or DB2® native connectivity.
If this property is set to UTF-8 or UCS-2, the data source’s StringEncoding value must be set to either UTF-8 or WIDEUTF-8, otherwise the ODBCUnicode property’s setting is ignored.
Default value
Valid Values
Possible values for this property are:
Disabled - Campaign uses ANSI ODBC calls.
UTF-8 - Campaign uses Unicode ODBC calls and assumes that a SQLWCHAR is a single byte. This is compatible with DataDirect ODBC drivers.
UCS-2 - Campaign uses Unicode ODBC calls and assumes that a SQLWCHAR is 2 bytes. This is compatible with Windows and unixODBC ODBC drivers.
Use the ODBCv2 property to specify which ODBC API specification Campaign should use for the data source.
The default value of FALSE allows Campaign to use the v3 API specification, while a setting of TRUE causes Campaign to use the v2 API specification. Set the ODBCv2 property to TRUE for data sources that do not support the ODBC v3 API specification.
When the ODBCv2 property is set to TRUE, Campaign does not support the ODBC Unicode API, and values other than disabled for the ODBCUnicode property are not recognized.
Default value
Valid Values
The OwnerForTableDisplay property allows you to limit the table mapping display in Campaign to tables owned by a specified user, or to one or more sets of tables owned by the specified user(s).
To display only those tables owned by one or more users, specify the database user IDs using a comma-separated list. For example:
<property name="OwnerForTableDisplay">user1,user2,user3</property>
To specify a table name pattern in addition to the user name, append the pattern to the user ID. For example, the following setting limits the table display to tables beginning with ABC for user1 and XYZ for user2:
Default value
No default value defined.
When set to TRUE, the PadTextWithSpaces property causes Campaign to pad text values with spaces until the string is the same width as the database field.
Default value
Valid Values
Use the PostExtractTableCreateRunScript property to specify a script or executable for Campaign to run after an Extract table has been created and populated.
Tokens available to PostExtractTableCreateRunScript are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which the Extract table was created.
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
File name of a shell script or executable
Specifies a script or executable that Campaign runs after a Segment temp table has been created and populated.
Tokens available to PostSegmentTableCreateRunScript are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which the Segment temp table was created.
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
File name of a script or executable
Use the PostSnapshotTableCreateRunScript property to specify a script or executable that Campaign runs after a Snapshot table has been created and populated.
Tokens available to PostSnapshotTableCreateRunScript are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which the Snapshot table was created.
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
File name of a shell script or executable
Use the PostTempTableCreateRunScript property to specify a script or executable for Campaign to run after a temp table has been created and populated in a user data source or in the system tables database.
Tokens available to PostTempTableCreateRunScript are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which temp tables were created.
Default value
No default value defined.
Specifies a script or executable that Campaign runs after a User table has been created and populated.
Tokens available to PostUserTableCreateRunScript are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which the User table was created.
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
File name of a script or executable
Use the PrefixOnSelectSQL property to specify a string that is automatically prepended to all SELECT SQL expressions generated by Campaign.
This property applies only to SQL generated by Campaign, and does not apply to SQL in “raw SQL” expressions used in the Select process.
This property is automatically added to the SELECT SQL expression without checking its syntax. If you use this property, make sure that it is a legal expression.
This property is undefined by default.
Tokens available to PrefixOnSelectSQL are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which temp tables were created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
No default value defined.
The QueryThreadSleep property affects the CPU utilization of the Campaign server process (UNICA_ACSVR). When the value is TRUE, the thread that the Campaign server process uses to check for query completion sleeps between checks. When the value is FALSE, the Campaign server process checks continuously for query completion.
Default value
The ReaderLogSize parameter defines when Campaign makes a new entry in the log file when reading data from the database. Every time the number of records read from the database reaches a multiple of the number defined by this parameter, a log entry is written in the log file.
This parameter can help you determine how far a process has progressed in its run. Setting this value too low may create large log files.
Default value
1000000 (one million records)
Valid Values
Sets the prefix for Segment tables created by the CreateSeg process in this data source.
Default value
The ShareConnection property is no longer used and should remain set to its default value, FALSE.
Default value
Valid Values
The SQLOnConnect property defines a complete SQL statement that Campaign runs immediately after each database connection.
The SQL statement generated by this property is automatically passed to your database without checking its syntax. If you use this property, make sure that it is a legal expression. The string may be enclosed in quotation marks, but this is not required.
This property is undefined by default.
Tokens available to SQLOnConnect are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which temp tables were created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
No default value defined.
The StringEncoding property specifies the character encoding of the database. When Campaign retrieves data from the database, the data is transcoded from the encoding specified to the internal encoding of Campaign (UTF-8). When Campaign sends a query to the database, character data is transcoded from the internal encoding of Campaign (UTF-8) to the encoding specified in the StringEncoding property.
The value of this property must match the encoding used on the database client.
Do not leave this value blank although it is undefined by default.
If you use ASCII data, set this value to UTF-8.
If your database client encoding is UTF-8, the preferred setting for this value is WIDEUTF-8. The WIDE-UTF-8 setting works only if your database client is set to UTF-8.
If you use the partitions > partition[n] > dataSources > data_source_name > ODBCUnicode property, set the StringEncoding property to either UTF-8 or WIDEUTF-8. Otherwise, the ODBCUnicode property value is ignored.
For a list of supported encodings, see Character encodings in Campaign in the Campaign Administrator's Guide.
Default value
No default value defined.
Database-specific considerations
This section describes how to set the correct values for DB2®, SQL Server, or Teradata databases.
Identify the DB2® database code page and code set. For localized environments, the DB2® database must have the following configuration:
Set the StringEncoding property values in Campaign to the DB2® database code set value.
Set the DB2CODEPAGE DB2® environment variable to the DB2® database code page value:
On Windows: Add the following line to the Campaign Listener startup script (<CAMPAIGN_HOME>\bin\cmpServer.bat):
On UNIX: After DB2® is started, the system administrator must type the following command from the DB2® instance user:
Then start the Campaign listener by running this command:
This setting affects all DB2® data sources and can affect other running programs.
SQL Server
For SQL Server, use a code page instead of an iconv encoding. To determine the correct the value for the StringEncoding property with a SQL Server database, look up the code page that corresponds to the regional settings of the server's operating system.
For example, to use code page 932 (Japanese Shift-JIS):
For Teradata, you must override some default behavior. Teradata supports per-column character encoding, while Campaign supports only per-data source encoding. UTF-8 cannot be used with Campaign due to a bug in the Teradata ODBC driver. Teradata sets a default character encoding for each login. You can override this using a parameter in the ODBC data source configuration on Windows or in the odbc.ini on UNIX platforms as follows:
The default encoding for a Teradata table is LATIN. Teradata has very few built-in encodings, but it supports user-defined encodings.
The default value of the StringEncoding property is ASCII.
For many situations involving a UTF-8 database, you should use WIDEUTF-8 pseudo-encoding, described in the WIDEUTF-8 section.
Campaign is normally responsible for transcoding between its internal encoding, UTF-8, and the encoding of the database. When the database is encoded in UTF-8, the value UTF-8 can be specified for StringEncoding (except for SQLServer), and no transcoding will be needed. Traditionally, these have been the only viable models for Campaign to access non-English data within a database.
In the 7.0 version of Campaign, a new database encoding called WIDEUTF-8 was introduced as a value for the StringEncoding property. By using this encoding, Campaign still uses UTF-8 to communicate with the database client, but allows the client to perform the task of transcoding between UTF-8 and the encoding of the actual database. This enhanced version of UTF-8 is needed to alter the widths of table column mappings so that they will be wide enough for transcoded text.
The SuffixOnAllOtherSQL property specifies a string that is automatically appended to every SQL expression, generated by Campaign, which are not covered by the SuffixOnInsertSQL, SuffixOnSelectSQL, SuffixOnTempTableCreation, SuffixOnUserTableCreation, or SuffixOnUserBaseTableCreation properties.
This property applies only to SQL generated by Campaign, and does not apply to SQL in “raw SQL” expressions used in the Select process.
SuffixOnAllOtherSQL is used for the following expression types, when generated by Campaign:
UPDATE table SET ...
This property is automatically added to the SQL expression without checking its syntax. If you use this parameter, make sure that it is a legal expression. The string may be enclosed in quotation marks, but this is not required.
This property is undefined by default.
Tokens available to SuffixOnAllOtherSQL are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which temp tables were created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
No default value defined.
The SuffixOnCreateDateField property specifies a string that Campaign automatically appends to any DATE fields in the CREATE TABLE SQL statement.
For example, you might set this property as follows:
SuffixOnCreateDateField = FORMAT 'YYYY-MM-DD’
If this property is undefined (the default), the CREATE TABLE command is unchanged.
Default value
No default value defined.
The SuffixOnInsertSQL property specifies a string that is automatically appended to all INSERT SQL expressions generated by Campaign. This property applies only to SQL generated by Campaign, and does not apply to SQL in “raw SQL” expressions used in the Select process.
SuffixOnInsertSQL is used for the following expression type, when generated by Campaign:
INSERT INTO table ...
This property is automatically added to the SQL expression without checking its syntax. If you use this property, make sure that it is a legal expression. The string may be enclosed in quotation marks, but this is not required.
This property is undefined by default.
Tokens available to SuffixOnInsertSQL are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which temp tables were created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
No default value defined.
The SuffixOnSelectSQL property specifies a string that is automatically appended to all SELECT SQL expressions generated by Campaign. This property applies only to SQL generated by Campaign, and does not apply to SQL in “raw SQL” expressions used in the Select process.
This property is automatically added to the SQL expression without checking its syntax. If you use this property, make sure that it is a legal expression. The string may be enclosed in quotation marks, but this is not required.
This property is undefined by default.
Tokens available to SuffixOnSelectSQL are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which temp tables were created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
No default value defined.
Use the SuffixOnTempTableCreation property to specify a string that is automatically appended to the SQL expression generated by Campaign when a temp table is created. This property applies only to SQL generated by Campaign, and does not apply to SQL in “raw SQL” expressions used in the Select process. To use this property, the AllowTempTables property must be set to TRUE.
You may want to use tokens to substitute the table name and the column name(s) (<TABLENAME> and <KEYCOLUMNS>) in this SQL statement, since these are generated dynamically during the execution of the campaign.
This property is automatically added to the SQL expression without checking its syntax. If you use this property, make sure that it is a legal expression. The string may be enclosed in quotation marks, but this is not required.
This property is undefined by default.
Tokens available to SuffixOnTempTableCreation are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which temp tables were created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
No default value defined.
Specifies a string that is automatically appended to the SQL expression generated by Campaign when a Segment temp table is created.
Tokens available to SuffixOnSegmentTableCreation are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which the Segment temp table was created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
Valid SQL
Use the SuffixOnSnapshotTableCreation property to specify a string that is automatically appended to the SQL expression generated by Campaign when a Snapshot table is created.
Tokens available to SuffixOnSnapshotTableCreation are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which the Snapshot table was created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
Valid SQL
Use the SuffixOnExtractTableCreation property to specify a string that is automatically appended to the SQL expression generated by Campaign when an Extract table is created.
Tokens available to SuffixOnExtractTableCreation are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which the Extract table was created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
Valid SQL
Use the SuffixOnUserBaseTableCreation property to specify a string that is automatically appended to the SQL expression that Campaign generates when a user creates a Base table (for example, in an Extract process). This property applies only to SQL generated by Campaign, and does not apply to SQL in “raw SQL” expressions used in the Select process.
You may want to use tokens to substitute the table name and the column name(s) (<TABLENAME> and <KEYCOLUMNS>) in this SQL statement, since these are generated dynamically during the execution of the campaign.
This property is automatically added to the SQL expression without checking its syntax. If you use this property, make sure that it is a legal expression. The string may be enclosed in quotation marks, but this is not required.
This property is undefined by default.
Tokens available to SuffixOnUserBaseTableCreation are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which temp tables were created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
No default value defined.
Use the SuffixOnUserTableCreation property to specify a string that is automatically appended to the SQL expression that Campaign generates when a user creates a General table (for example, in a Snapshot process). This property applies only to SQL generated by Campaign, and does not apply to SQL in “raw SQL” expressions used in the Select process.
This property is automatically added to the SQL expression without checking its syntax. If you use this property, make sure that it is a legal expression. The string may be enclosed in quotation marks, but this is not required.
This property is undefined by default.
Tokens available to SuffixOnUserTableCreation are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which temp tables were created.
Default value
No default value defined.
Specifies the schema used for Campaign system tables.
The default value is blank. This parameter is only relevant for the UA_SYSTEM_TABLES data source.
Leave this value blank unless the UA_SYSTEM_TABLES data source contains multiple schemas (for example, an Oracle database used by multiple groups). (In this context, “schema” indicates the initial portion of a “qualified” table name of the form X.Y (for example, dbo.UA_Folder). In this form, X is the schema and Y is the unqualified table name. This terminology for this syntax differs among the different database systems supported by Campaign.)
If multiple schemas exist in the system tables database, then set this value to the name of the schema in which the Campaign system tables were created.
Default value
No default value defined.
Use the TempTablePostExecutionSQL property to specify a complete SQL statement that Campaign runs immediately after the creation of a temporary table in a user data source or in the system tables database. The AllowTempTables property must be set to TRUE to enable the creation of temp tables in a data source.
You may want to use tokens to substitute the table name and the column name(s) (<TABLENAME> and <KEYCOLUMNS>) in this SQL statement, since these are generated dynamically during the execution of the campaign.
This property is automatically added to the SQL expression without checking its syntax. If you use this property, make sure that it is a legal expression. The string may be enclosed in quotation marks, but this is not required.
The TempTablePostExecutionSQL property treats semicolons as delimiters to run multiple SQL statements. If your SQL statement contains semicolons and you want it to run as one statement, use a backslash as an escape character before the semicolons.
Tokens available to TempTablePostExecutionSQL are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which temp tables were created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
No default value defined.
Use the TableListSQL property to specify the SQL query to use to include synonyms in the list of tables available to map.
The default value is blank. This property is required if your data source is SQL Server and you want to be able to map synonyms in the returned table schema. This property is optional if you want to use a specific SQL query with other data sources in place of, or in addition to, the table schema information retrieved using the standard methods (such as an ODBC call or native connection).
To ensure that Campaign works with SQL Server synonyms, you must set the UseSQLToRetrieveSchema property to TRUE in addition to setting this property as described here.
If you set this property with a valid SQL query, Campaign issues the SQL query to retrieve the list of tables for mapping. If the query returns one column, it is treated as a column of names; if the query returns two columns, the first column is assumed to be a column of owner names, and the second column is considered to be a column of table names.
If the SQL query does not begin with an asterisk (*), Campaign merges this list with the list of tables that are normally retrieved (such as through ODBC calls or native connections).
If the SQL query begins with an asterisk (*), the list returned by the SQL replaces the normal list, rather than being merged with it.
Default value
Valid Values
A valid SQL query
If the data source is SQL Server, under normal circumstances the ODBC API call that Campaign uses returns a list of tables and views, but no synonyms. To include the list of synonyms as well, set TableListSQL similar to the following example:
select AS oName, AS tName
from sys.synonyms A LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.schemas B
on A.schema_id = B.schema_id ORDER BY 1, 2
To retrieve the list of tables, views, and synonyms, avoiding the ODBC API completely, set TableListSQL similar to the following example:
*select AS oName, AS tName from
(select name, schema_id from sys.synonyms UNION
select name, schema_id from sys.tables UNION select name,
schema_id from sys.views) A LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.schemas B on
A.schema_id = B.schema_id ORDER BY 1, 2
If the data source is Oracle, you can use a query similar to the following to retrieve the list of tables, views, and synonyms in place of the data retrieved using the native connection method that looks at the ALL_OBJECTS view:
*select OWNER, TABLE_NAME from (select OWNER, TABLE_NAME
The SQLOnConnect property defines a complete SQL statement that Campaign runs immediately after each database connection. The UOSQLOnConnect property is similar to this, but specifically applicable to Contact Optimization.
The SQL statement generated by this property is automatically passed to your database without checking its syntax. If you use this property, make sure that it is a legal expression. The string may be enclosed in quotation marks, but this is not required.
This property is undefined by default.
Tokens available to UOSQLOnConnect are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which temp tables were created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
No default value defined.
Uses a SQL query, rather than an ODBC or native API call, to retrieve the schema to use as the table schema for this data source.
The default value for this property is FALSE, indicating that Campaign should use its standard method (ODBC or native connection, for example) to retrieve the schema. Setting this property to TRUE causes Campaign to prepare a SQL query similar to select * from <table> to retrieve the table schema.
This can provide advantages that are specific to each data source. For example, some data sources (Netezza®, SQL Server) do not properly report SQL synonyms (alternative names for database objects, defined using the create synonym syntax) through the default ODBC or native connections. By setting this property to TRUE, SQL synonyms are retrieved for data mapping within Campaign.
The following list describes the behavior of this setting for a number of data sources:
For Netezza®, you must set this property to TRUE to allow support for synonyms. Setting this property to TRUE tells Campaign to prepare a SQL query to retrieve the table schema. No other settings or values are needed to support synonyms in Netezza® data sources.
For SQL Server, to allow support for synonyms you must set this property to TRUE and enter valid SQL in the TableListSQL property for this data source. See the description for the TableListSQL property for more details.
For Oracle data sources, setting this property to TRUE tells Campaign to prepare the SQL query to retrieve the table schema. The result set identifies NUMBER fields (no precision/scale specified, which may cause issues in Campaign) as NUMBER(38), which avoids those possible issues.
For other data sources, you can optionally set this property to TRUE to use the default SQL select query described above, or to specify valid SQL in the TableListSQL property to use instead of, or in addition to, the ODBC API or native connection that is used by default. See the description for the TableListSQL property for more details.
Default value
Valid Values
To allow Campaign to work with Netezza® or SQL Server synonyms:
Use the UserTablePostExecutionSQL property to specify a complete SQL statement that Campaign runs immediately after the creation of a user table in a user data source or in the system tables database.
You may want to use tokens to substitute the table name and the column name(s) (<TABLENAME> and <KEYCOLUMNS>) in this SQL statement, since these are generated dynamically during the execution of the campaign.
This property is automatically added to the SQL expression without checking its syntax. If you use this property, make sure that it is a legal expression. The string may be enclosed in quotation marks, but this is not required.
The UserTablePostExecutionSQL property treats semicolons as delimiters to run multiple SQL statements. If your SQL statement contains semicolons and you want it to run as one statement, use a backslash as an escape character before the semicolons.
Tokens available to UserTablePostExecutionSQL are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which the user tables were created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
No default value defined.
When the UseTempTablePool property is set to TRUE, temp tables are not dropped from the database. Temp tables are truncated and reused from the pool of tables maintained by Campaign. When set to FALSE, temp tables are dropped and re-created every time a flowchart is run.
Default value
Valid Values
Use the SegmentTablePostExecutionSQL property to specify a complete SQL statement that Campaign runs after a Segment temp table has been created and populated.
Tokens available to SegmentTablePostExecutionSQL are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which the Segment temp table was created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
A valid SQL statement
Use the SnapshotTablePostExecutionSQL property to specify one or more complete SQL statements to run immediately after a Snapshot table has been created and populated.
Tokens available to SnapshotTablePostExecutionSQL are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which the Snapshot table was created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
A valid SQL statement
The TempTablePrefix parameter specifies a string that is automatically prepended to the names of all temporary tables created by Campaign. Use this parameter to help you identify and manage your temp tables. You also can use this property to cause temp tables to be created in a particular location.
For example, if the user token corresponds to a schema, you can set
and all temp tables will be created in the schema of whatever user is connected to the data source.
Tokens available to TempTablePrefix are described below.
This token is replaced with the IBM® EMM user name associated with the flowchart for which temp tables were created.
This token is replaced with the Campaign user name of the user running the flowchart.
Default value
Use the TempTablePreTruncateExecutionSQL property to specify a SQL query to run before a temp table is truncated. The query that you specify can be used to negate the effect of a SQL statement specified in the TempTablePostExecutionSQL property.
For example, with the TempTablePostExecutionSQL property, you could specify the following SQL statement to create an index:
Then, specify the following query in the TempTablePreTruncateExecutionSQL property to drop the index:
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
A valid SQL query
Use the TempTablePreTruncateRunScript property to specify a script or executable to run before a temp table is truncated. The script that you specify can be used to negate the effect of a SQL statement specified in the PostTempTableCreateRunScript property.
For example, with the PostTempTableCreateRunScript property, you could specify a script that includes the following SQL statement to create an index:
Then, specify another script with the following statement in the TempTablePreTruncateRunScript property to drop the index:
Default value
Not defined
Valid Values
File name of a shell script or executable
The TeradataDeleteBeforeDrop parameter applies only to Teradata data sources. It specifies whether records are deleted before a table is dropped.
Set this value to TRUE to delete all records from a table before dropping the table.
If Campaign is unable to delete the records for any reason, it will not drop the table.
Set this value to FALSE to drop a table without first deleting all records.
Default value
The TruncateSQL property is available for use with DB2® data sources, and allows you to specify alternate SQL for table truncation. This property applies only when DeleteAsTruncate is set to TRUE. When DeleteAsTruncate is set to TRUE, any custom SQL in this property is used to truncate a table. When this property is not set, Campaign uses the TRUNCATE TABLE <TABLENAME> syntax.
This parameter is undefined by default.
Tokens available to TruncateSQL are described below.
Default value
No default value defined.
The partitions > partition[n] > dataSources > [data_source_name] > type property specifies the database type of this data source.
Default value
The default value depends on the database template used to create the data source configuration.
Valid Values
Valid values for system tables are:
Valid values for customer tables also include:
When Campaign performs exclusions in the Merge process or in the Segment process, by default it uses "NOT EXISTS" syntax, as:

(SELECT * FROM ExcludeTable WHERE IncludeTable.ID = ExcludeTable.ID)
If UseExceptForMerge is set to TRUE and we cannot use "NOT IN" (because UseNotInForMerge is disabled, or because the audience level consists of multiple fields and the data source is not Oracle), then the syntax is altered as follows:

SELECT IncludeTable.ID FROM IncludeTable
MINUS (SELECT ExcludeTable.ID FROM ExcludeTable)

SELECT IncludeTable.ID FROM IncludeTable
EXCEPT (SELECT ExcludeTable.ID FROM ExcludeTable)
Default value
Valid Values
Implements SQL MERGE syntax to improve the performance of the Track process. The UseMergeForTrack property can be set to TRUE for DB2®, Oracle, SQL Server 2008, and Teradata 12. It can also be used with other databases that support the SQL MERGE statement.
Default value
TRUE (DB2 and Oracle) | FALSE (all others)
Valid Values
The UseNonANSIJoin property specifies whether this data source uses non-ANSI join syntax. If the data source type is set to Oracle7 or Oracle8, and the value of UseNonANSIJoin is set to TRUE, the data source uses non-ANSI join syntax appropriate for Oracle.
Default value
Valid Values
When Campaign performs exclusions in the Merge process or in the Segment process, by default it uses "NOT EXISTS" syntax, as:

FROM ExcludeTable WHERE IncludeTable.ID = ExcludeTable.ID)
If UseNotInForMerge is enabled (value set to YES), and either (1) the audience level is composed of a single ID field, or (2) the data source is Oracle, then the syntax is altered as follows:
SELECT IncludeTable.ID FROM IncludeTable WHERE IncludeTable.ID NOT IN
(SELECT ExcludeTable.ID FROM ExcludeTable)
Default value
Valid Values
The UseSQLToProfile property allows you to configure Campaign to submit the SQL query GROUP BY to the database to compute profiles (using “SELECT field, count(*) FROM table GROUP BY field”), rather than fetching records.
A value of FALSE (the default) causes Campaign to profile a field by retrieving the field value for all records in the table and to track the count of each distinct value.
A value of TRUE causes Campaign to profile a field by issuing a query similar to the following:
SELECT field, COUNT(*) FROM table GROUP BY field
which pushes the burden to the database.
Default value
Valid Values