AttributionModeler | partitions | partition[n] | server | logging
Properties in this category specify values that affect how Attribution Modeler handles logging. There is one set of these properties for each partition.
The loggingCategories property specifies the category of messages written to the Attribution Modeler server log file. This works with the loggingLevels property, which determines which messages are logged based on severity (for all selected categories). You can specify multiple categories in a comma-separated list. The special category all provides a shorthand for specifying all logging categories.
Default value
Valid values
Supported categories are:
This property controls the amount of detail written to the Attribution Modeler server log file, AMSvr.log, based on severity.
Default value
Valid values
LOW represents the least detail (the most severe errors only), and ALL includes trace messages and is intended primarily for diagnostic purposes.
You may want to set the loggingLevels property to ALL during configuration and testing, to maximize the logging output from Attribution Modeler for diagnostic purposes. This setting generates a large amount of data and therefore may not be advisable for production operation.
This property specifies the maximum size, in bytes, that the Attribution Modeler server log file is allowed to reach before being rolled over to backup files.
Default value
10485760 (10 MB)
This property specifies the number of backup Attribution Modeler server log files that are kept before the oldest is erased.
If the value is 0 (zero), no backup files are created, and the log file is truncated when it reaches the size specified by the logFileMaxSize property.
For a value of n, where n is greater than zero, the files {File.1, ..., File.n-1} are renamed to {File.2, ..., File.n}. Also, File is renamed File.1 and closed. A new File is created to receive further log output.
Default value
1 (creates one backup log file)
This property turns logging on or off for the partition specified in the partitions category under which this property is found.
Default value