Attribution Modeler | partitions | partition[n] | dataSources
This category is empty when you first install Attribution Modeler. For each partition in your system, you must import configuration properties that enable you to specify many details of how Attribution Modeler interacts with its system tables.
You import a set of configuration properties appropriate for the type of database or schema that holds your system tables.
This procedure is described in the Interaction History and Attribution Modeler Installation Guide.
The properties in this category are identical to the properties of the same name that are used in Campaign.
For details about the properties, see the IBM® Marketing Platform Administrator's Guide, which contains descriptions of configuration properties for all the Enterprise products.
If you are using context help on the Configuration page, click Help > Help for this page, and on the first landing page that opens, click the link for Campaign. Then continue to follow links to navigate to the Campaign | Partitions | partition[n] | dataSources category. The properties listed on the page that opens will include the ones listed in the Attribution Modeler | partitions | partition[n] | dataSources category.