To log in to IBM® EMM
Use this procedure to log in to IBM® EMM.
You need the following.
The URL to access IBM® EMM on your network.
The URL is:
host is the machine where Marketing Platform is installed. is the domain in which the host machine resides
port is the port number on which Marketing Platform application server is listening.
Access the IBM® EMM URL using your browser.
If IBM® EMM is configured to integrate with Windows Active Directory or with a web access control platform, and you are logged in to that system, you see the default dashboard page. Your login is complete.
If you see the login screen, log in using the default administrator credentials. In a single-partition environment, use asm_admin with password as the password. In a multi-partition environment, use platform_admin with password as the password.
If IBM® EMM is configured to use SSL, you may be prompted to accept a digital security certificate the first time you sign in. Click Yes to accept the certificate.
If your login is successful, IBM® EMM displays the default dashboard page. A "page not found" message may be displayed on the dashboard page until it has been configured.
With the default permissions assigned to Marketing Platform administrator accounts, you can administer user accounts and security using the options listed under the Settings menu. To administer IBM® EMM dashboards, you must log in as platform_admin.