Authentication considerations for custom portlets
When you are planning to create portlets, you should keep in mind the following authentication considerations.
If your portlet is a NetInsight report from an on-premises installation configured to use the Marketing Platform for authentication or to use no authentication, or a dashboard report from any other IBM® Unica Marketing product that uses the Marketing Platform for authentication, users are not prompted for credentials when they view the portlet.
If your portlet is a NetInsight report from an on-premises installation that is not configured to use the Marketing Platform for authentication, the user must enter login credentials one time per browser session.
If your portlet is a NetInsight On-Demand report or an internet or intranet page that requires authentication, the portlet behaves as a browser would. The user must enter login credentials in the content of the page the first time they view it during a browser session, and cookies are used to keep the user logged in.