Selecting the package that contains the optimized contacts
Retrieve the results from only a single package at a time using the Extract process.
A single package is all offers that are sent on the same channel at the same time to recipients. You can select more than one package at a time in a single Extract process only if you are certain that the audience IDs targeted within each package are mutually exclusive. That is, each audience ID is treated only in one package or the other, but not both. Otherwise, segmenting by audience ID results in sending duplicate offers to those individuals belonging to multiple packages. If you select more than one package from one Extract process, the Contact Optimization template you are using must include a field for the Optimize process or package. Then you can include a Segment process in the flowchart to separate each package into its own contact process. It might be easier to use multiple Extract processes, each one extracting optimized transactions for a particular package.
For more information about creating a flowchart in a campaign, see the IBM® Campaign User's Guide.
The Source tab displays.
From the list in the Input field, select Optimized Lists.
The Select Contact Optimization (CO) Session window displays.
Expand the All Sessions list, and select the Contact Optimization session from which you want to select optimized contacts.
The Select Contact Optimization (CO) Session window populates with information about the Contact Optimization session you selected. The Select Results by Participants section lists the various campaigns that participated in this Contact Optimization session. Each row represents a specific Optimize process or package, and the flowcharts to which they belong.
The Select Contact Optimization (CO) Session window closes.