Configure database load utility
A large component of a Contact Optimization session is reading data from the PCT and writing data to the OCT. Configuring a database load utility improves the performance of your Contact Optimization sessions.
Contact Optimization uses the same configuration settings as Campaign for implementing a database load utility. If you configure Campaign to work with a database load utility, you configure Contact Optimization to use the same commands. Similarly, if you configure Contact Optimization to work with a database load utility, you are configuring Campaign to work with a database load utility. Each assumes a different root directory in your IBM® EMM installation directory. The root directory is /Campaign for Campaign or /ContactOptimization for Contact Optimization, so you can specify different commands in the loader command and template files.
A database load utility also improves performance when populating PCT tables with an Campaign flowchart.
When you configure a database load utility to work with Contact Optimization, it behaves as described for the following Contact Optimization tables:
PCT table. If the number of unique customers is greater than or equal to the MinReqForLoaderCommand or MinReqForLoaderCommandForAppend, Contact Optimization uses the database load utility.
POA table. Contact Optimization uses the database load utility irrespective of the values for MinReqForLoaderCommand or MinReqForLoaderCommandForAppend.
OCT table. Contact Optimization uses the database load utility irrespective of the values for MinReqForLoaderCommand or MinReqForLoaderCommandForAppend.
RC table. Contact Optimization uses the database load utility irrespective of the values for MinReqForLoaderCommand or MinReqForLoaderCommandForAppend.
To configure a database load utility for Contact Optimization complete the following steps.
Complete the database load utility configuration in the Campaign partitions as described in the Campaign documentation.
Confirm that the Contact Optimization installation has the database load utility command in the same location as Campaign.
You must create the same relative folder structure on both servers because Campaign and Contact Optimization both reference the Campaign | Partitions | PartitionN | DataSources | DataSourceName | LoaderCommand property.
For example, if LoaderCommand is /app/IBM/Campaign/partitions/partition1/scripts/, you must copy to /app/IBM/ContactOptimization/partitions/partition1/scripts on your Contact Optimization server, creating the directories if necessary.
Confirm that the Contact Optimization installation has the control file template for the database load utility in the same location as Campaign.
The file that is defined by Campaign | Partitions | PartitionN | DataSources | DataSourceName | LoaderControlFileTemplate must exist on both the Campaign and Contact Optimization servers. The control file template must be located in the same relative directory. On the Campaign server, the file must be relative to /Campaign, for example, /Campaign/partitions/partition1/scripts. On the Contact Optimization server, the files must be relative to /ContactOptimization for example /ContactOptimization/partitions/partition1/scripts.
On UNIX systems, use soft or symbolic links to create the control file templates in the Contact Optimization directories. For example, from the /ContactOptimization/partitions/partition1/scripts directory, run the following command:
ln -s /<Install Directory>/Campaign/partitions/partition1/scripts/load.ctr 