Use cases that can negatively affect performance
This section lists various use cases that can negatively affect the performance of Otimizar .
Smart Offer Lists with Rules Using Offer Versions
If you use smart offer lists with rules that use offer versions, there are additional queries used in the IO-intensive data setup section. When the number of offers in the lists is large, and the number of attributes per offer is large, the time taken to run these queries can be great.
High Maximum for Iterations per Customer Sample
The maximum number of iterations to use for each customer sample is configurable using the Optimize|AlgorithmTuning|MaxIterationsPerCustomerSample property. Check both the session level advanced settings and the configuration properties.
Depending on the rules and data, this limit might not be reached by a customer sample. High values guarantee the highest level of optimality of the results, but often the use of a greater number of iterations does not make a large enough improvement in optimality to justify the performance penalty. Typically, five iterations yields an acceptable degree of optimality, and it is unusual to see more than about a dozen or so iterations ever required.
To analyze the customer sample iteration behavior, search in the Otimizar log for the string Iteration:. This log entry is followed by a number, indicating which iteration it is. Each chunk starts at iteration 1 and counts up. It helps to see what is going on if you get a count of each iteration number in the log, and use the results to construct a histogram.
High Number of Unprocessable Customers
Another major factor in performance is the number of unprocessable customers. If the value of the Optimize|AlgorithmTuning|MaxAlternativesPerCustomerEvaluated property is a large number (over 100 or so), the time penalty is high whenever a customer is unprocessable.
When you have many unprocessable customers, look for logical errors in the rules or data. However, it is possible, especially with large numbers of proposed transactions per customer, that the time needed to get some per-customer solutions is high. If so, it might be best to reduce the value of the MaxAlternativesPerCustomerEvaluated parameter, accepting more unprocessable customers as a trade-off to improve performance.
In Otimizar version 7.5.3 and later, there is more detailed logging to show the minimum, maximum, and average number of alternatives evaluated for each customer sample.
Solver Subroutine Calls
If certain combinations of per-customer rules are used, a major performance penalty might be seen in some cases. This situation can occur when there is at least one per-customer Min/Max # Transactions rule where the minimum constraint is not zero, combined with one or more package rules.
In addition to having these two rules, their scopes must overlap so both are applied to the same proposed transactions. In addition, the scores must be such that the preferred solution for a package rule causes the "Min/Max" rule to fall below its minimum. If all these conditions are met, the core algorithm cannot find the optimal results in an efficient way, and must use a slower call to the solver engine. You know that this condition is occurring if you see this message in the server log: Solver subroutine parameters:
If you are seeing performance issues from using "Never A with B" rules, the best way to improve performance is to upgrade to Otimizar version 7.5.3 or later.
Many Cases Where Scores are the Same
If there are many cases where the scores are the same, decision-making in the LRE can sometimes get inefficient. You can tell this scenario is happening if you see this string in the server log: Additional alternative generated:
To avoid this situation, try assigning more varied scores to the proposed transactions.