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Preparing to Install
Optimize basic installation checklist
IBM® Unica® components and where to install them
System requirements
Knowledge requirement
Order of installation for Optimize
Marketing Platform requirement
Campaign requirement
Client machines
Access permissions
If you are upgrading or configuring multiple partitions
Installing Optimize
How the IBM® Unica Marketing installers work
Single directory requirement for installer files
Choosing product installation directories
Installation types
Installation modes
Installing multiple times using unattended mode
Example installation prompts
Automatic versus manual system table creation
Where to install Optimize
Step: Obtain required information
Information required to install all IBM® Unica Marketing products
Optimize Utilities Settings reference
Check for a JAVA_HOME environment variable
Step: Run the IBM® Unica® installer
Optimize and EAR or WAR files
Configuring Optimize
Step: Create and populate the Optimize system tables manually, if necessary
Step: Register the product manually, if necessary
To register Optimize manually
Step: Set the Optimize configuration properties manually, if necessary
Configure ACOOptAdmin tool
Configure Optimize for Chinese, Japanese, or Korean users
Step: Start the Optimize server
Step: Map tables for Optimize
Optimize system table mapping reference
Optimize contact history table mapping reference
Step: Verify your Optimize installation
About partitions
Setting up multiple partitions for Optimize
To set up multiple partitions for Optimize
To configure ACOServer for multiple partitions
Upgrade prerequisites for all IBM® Unica Marketing products
Order of upgrading Optimize
Installing Optimize
Optimize upgrade scenarios
About upgrading Optimize
Upgrading from Optimize version 7.2.1
Upgrading from Optimize versions 7.3.x and later
Configure Optimize for Chinese, Japanese, or Korean users
Migrating rules from Optimize versions previous to version 7.3.0
To collect deprecated rules
To migrate optimization rules to the new version of Optimize
To migrate Min/Max Total Cost rules
Uninstalling IBM® Unica® products
Remove Optimize tables
To uninstall IBM® Unica® products
This edition applies to version 8, release 6, modification 0 of IBM® Unica® Optimize and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Contacting IBM® Unica® technical support