Optimize command-line utility

You run the Optimize utility from the command-line. Open a command prompt and go to the /tools/bin directory of the directory where you installed Optimize.

ACOOptAdmin -sn session -u [password] [-async] [-locale localecode] [-stop]

The ACOOptAdmin utility has the following parameters:

-sn session - Specifies the Optimize session name. This is a required parameter. For example, to specify a session called HolidayFundRaiser, you would enter:
ACOOptAdmin -sn HolidayFundRaiser
If the session is in a folder, include the folder names separated by forward slashes (/) or backward slashes (\). For example:
ACOOptAdmin -sn MktFolder/HolidayFundRaiser
To allow spaces in your text, place double quotation marks around the session name. For example:
ACOOptAdmin -sn "Holiday Mailing"
-u username - Specifies the username used to log into Optimize. This is a required parameter.
-p password - Specifies a password for the username. This parameter may be omitted if the password is blank.
-async - Executes the Optimize session asynchronously, returning immediately. This is an optional parameter. The default is to run the Optimize utility synchronously, which returns when the Optimize session finishes running.
-locale localecode - Specifies the language in which to print the messages generated by the Optimize utility. This is an optional parameter. The default is en_US.
-stop - stops a running optimization session.
This command does not stop the session instantly, instead, it stops the session at the next logical step in the optimization algorithm to ensure a clean shutdown with no corruption of data. It may take a few minutes for the process to stop.

You can specify these parameters in any order on the command-line.