The Never A Followed By B rule

The Never A Followed by B rule lets you prevent a customer who just received one offer from receiving another offer for a certain period of time, but it does not prevent the customer who received the second offer from receiving the first offer. The Never A Followed by B rule is unidirectional—meaning that it enforces suppression of offers in one direction only—as opposed to the Never A with B rule, which is bidirectional—meaning that offers are not allowed together regardless of sequence. You can refine the Never A Followed by B rule by customer segment, channel, and offer set.

Use this rule to ensure that the order of offers makes sense from a customer-service perspective. For example, you may break your offers into low and high tiers, and say that customers who receive a high-tier offer cannot receive a follow-on low-tier offer within the same 30-day period.

The following are examples of particular constraints you could apply with this rule:
