Definitions for the Customers In rule
Exclude removes those contacts that meet the criteria that follow.
Include keeps only those contacts that meet the listed criteria. When used with segments, Optimize moves contacts outside the segment but that meet the offer, contact, and channel criteria.
Any Customer includes or excludes all contacts satisfying the other criteria.
Segment Name includes or excludes the contacts that meet the subsequent channel and offer criteria applied to all customers in the segment you select.
Any Channel applies to offers regardless of delivery channel.
Channel name narrows the inclusion or exclusion to only those offers on the channel you specify.
Any Offer applies to all offers.
Offer/offer list narrows the inclusion or exclusion to the specific offer or offer list you select.
Offer Versions narrows the inclusion or exclusion to offer versions with the offer attribute(s) you specify in the query builder. This allows you to scope the rule to apply to only specific offer versions defined using parameterized offer attributes.
Example 1. Examples of the Customers In rule

“This optimization session should Exclude customers in the segment OptOutTable for offers from channel Any Channel concerning offer/offer list Any Offer.” This rule removes all proposed contacts for any customers in the OptOutTable.

"This optimization session should Include customers in the segment GoodCreditRating for offers from channel Any Channel concerning offer/offer list Credit Offers" This rule ensures that only customers in the GoodCreditRating segment receive Credit Offers, regardless of channel.

"This optimization session should Exclude customers in the segment DoNotCall for offers from channel Call Center concerning offer/offer list Any Offer" If you create a segment called DoNotCall containing all customers who filled out a form that said they did not want any solicitation calls, you can exclude them from receiving any offers delivered by the Call Center channel.

“This optimization session should Include customers in the segment Email for offers from channel Email concerning offer/offer list Any Offer.” This rule ensures the optimized contact list contains only email offers for those customers in the Email segment.

“This optimization session should Include customers in the segment HighCreditScores for offers from channel Any Channel concerning offer/offer list Platinum Cards.” This rule ensures the optimized contact list gives only platinum card offers only to customers in the HighCreditScores segment.

“This optimization session should Include customers in the segment Any Customer for offers from channel Any Channel concerning offer/offer list Platinum Card Email with Expiration Date > 1/30/07.” This rule ensures the optimized contact list contains only platinum card email offers that expire after 1/30/07.