Indexing Optimize tables
The Optimize installer should index these tables properly. However, if you have issues with installation or upgrade, you may need to index these tables manually.

For best performance, you should create indexes on several of your Optimize tables. When creating per audience tables, for example the UA_ContactHistory tables, create these indexes on each table.

See the documentation for your database for the exact command to create an index. For example:

CREATE INDEX IndexName ON TableName ( ColumnName )

The following table gives the table names and the columns you should index. All of these tables exist in the Campaign system tables.

Using strategic segments is optional for Campaign flowcharts and Optimize sessions.
Each Audience ID column must match the corresponding Audience ID defined in Campaign.
There is a UACO_PCTsessionID table for each Optimize session where session is the ACOSessionID. ACOSessionID is a unique identifier for each Optimize session defined in the UACO_OptSession table.
Each Audience ID column must match the corresponding Audience ID defined in Campaign.
There is a UACO_POAsessionID table for each Optimize session where session is the ACOSessionID. ACOSessionID is a unique identifier for each Optimize session defined in the UACO_OptSession table.
There is a UACO_RCsessionID table for each Optimize session where session is the ACOSessionID. ACOSessionID is a unique identifier for each Optimize session defined in the UACO_OptSession table.
Each Audience ID column must match the corresponding Audience ID defined in Campaign.
The PackageID and CellID columns are already indexed in the sample UA_ContactHistory table created when you install Campaign.
Each Audience ID column must match the corresponding Audience ID defined in Campaign.
Each Audience ID column must match the corresponding Audience ID defined in Campaign.