Handling multiple packages

If your post-optimization flowchart retrieves optimized contacts from more than one package, you must separate each package into distinct contact processes. This enables audience IDs to be placed into their various groups, for example, High-value and Low-value.

You can handle multiple packages in your flowchart by doing one of the following:

If the same audience ID may be treated in multiple packages, you must use this approach (otherwise, the same offers will be sent in duplicate to members of multiple packages). If you want to retrieve results from a small number of packages, it may also be easier to create a separate Extract process per Optimize process than to set up a segmentation field (like package) in the Optimize template and then use the Segment process in the post-optimization flowchart.

Proposed packages must be preserved post-optimization, since the contact fatigue rules may have been based on the number of interruptions allowed to each individual. Rearranging the surviving offers into different packages (and therefore a different number of interruptions to the recipient) may violate your corporate contact fatigue strategy and should be avoided.

If you selected more than one package of optimized contacts when configuring the Extract process, you must include a Segment process in your flowchart. The Segment process lets you separate the various audience IDs from multiple packages back into individual packages, which can then be operated on individually.


To use the Segment process to divide customer IDs into their original packages, you must first include a field in the optimization template table that will act as an identifier for the Optimize process from which the package originated.