The price of a product, in one or more currencies, along with a set of conditions such as an effective time range or an acceptable quantity range, which must be satisfied in order to use the price.
The amount of money that the retailer has earned from the manufacturer as a result of running a promotion.
The process of finding the best formula for achieving a given merchandising objective.
optimization scope
The aspects of a promotion that the optimization was allowed to change, such as a TPR, any products on display, and so on.
Costs incurred in the operation of a business that cannot be directly related to the individual products or services produced. These costs such as light, heat, supervision and maintenance may be grouped into multiple pools (department, factory, general overhead) and distributed to units of product, or service, by some standard method such as direct labor hours, direct labor cost, and so on.
overhead allocation
The amount of overhead costs attributed to a particular product.