labor rate
An hourly labor cost including wages and benefits.
last suggested price (LSP)
The recommended price from the last pricing action, such as an optimization, rules pricing, price update, or reforecast.
See location group.
See location group class.
A legal agreement that authorizes the use of proprietary information including, but not limited to, copyrighted or patented information.
Statistical measure that is the ratio between the joint probability of two variables with respect to their expected probabilities under the independence assumption.
A company's related products that are marketed individually.
line group
A collection of related products within a product line.
line price class
A group of related products that share a fixed price.
line price group
See line price class.
line pricing
The assignment of a fixed price across similar products.
live accrual fund
The amount of trade funds spent by a particular account. The amount spent is determined by the number of cases a retailer buys from the manufacturer in the current year.
location group (LG)
A hierarchical group of locations that can be selected for a promotion.
location group class (LGC)
A hierarchical group of location groups.
location key
A number assigned to a store that is assigned a particular SKU number.
logistical unit
A source of information that indicates how a product is to be shipped to a retailer.
loyalty card program
A program that consumers sign up for to enjoy discount or reward programs in return for tracking of consumer behavior patterns.
See last suggested price.