Rule processing
The price is calculated from the initial Zone price and related rules. Each time a rule from the rule hierarchy is added to do a calculation, the price is updated to a new intermediate price. When the last rule is added, all rules come into calculation.
The intermediate price might not change. For example, suppose one product is given a large number of rules and its initial Zone price is $10. The rule highest in the hierarchy is the SKU Limits Rule (-10%, +0%), and the second highest rule is the Competitive Rule ($12, $13), both of which make the intermediate price into $10. The intermediate price will stay as $10 all along to the final price. Whether the value of intermediate price will change or not mainly depends on the comparison between the previous price and added rule bounds.
Also, by default, only unary rules (such as the Volume rule, Profit rule, or the Price Rule - SKU Limit) will display in the list. You can enable a system setting so that both unary and binary rules (such as the Brand or Size rules) will display. Gross Margin-related binary rules will not display, as an exception. Contact IBM® Omni-Channel Merchandising Customer Support to enable this system setting.