Promotion Response Analysis
IBM® Omni-Channel Merchandising Promotion Response Analysis gives you insight into the effects of different discounts and promotions for products, Demand Groups, Line Groups, and categories by division. You can view the lift effects relative to the other products, Demand Groups, or Line Groups in the same category.
Promotion Response Analysis is viewed in a separate browser window so you can browse products and merchandising behaviors while creating promotions and analyzing the results, for example. You can access Promotion Response Analysis from these locations: Tools drop-down menu at the top of a IBM Omni-Channel Merchandising page, Promotion tab drop-down menu, and the All Products by Promotion report in the Category Plan Details page.
Users of the Promotion application who are experimenting with different EDLP or current price/list cost override performance detail types should reference the price elasticity and other values in the Price Response Analysis rather than the Promotion Response Analysis. The Promotion Response Analysis shows volume response from temporary price reductions whereas the Price Response Analysis shows volume response based on longer term prices.
Modeling data used
Product Information Metrics
Selecting the Analysis Levels
Interpreting the Promotion Response Analysis Graphs