Price Change By Rule
For optimized scenarios, you can view a high-level graph in the Price Change By Rule tab that illustrates how the initial price changed as each rule in the scenario’s rule hierarchy was applied.
The graph shows each rule and its description, the low and high bounds in the rule definition, and the gap between the low and high bounds. You select and right-click on a product in the Scenario Results, Scenario Price Approval, and Production Price Approval pages of the Price application (at the Store and Zone levels) to open the Price Change By Rule panel directly.
The right-click option to open the Price Change By Rule panel will not be available for pre-priced or locked products, or products in the scenario results that were not selected by the user when the scenario was first created. The View Rule Bounds and Price Changes permission must be set to open the Price Change By Rule panel.
The graph shows the product’s initial Zone price at the top of the list in the Price column, and the price as each rule is applied to arrive at the ending price displayed at the bottom.
A blue vertical line in the middle of the graph represents the original price, and a red line represents the new price. The red line will shift to the right when the relevant rule causes the price to increase from the original price, and will shift to the left when the relevant rule causes the price to decrease from the original price. The gap between the red and blue lines is the spread between the initial and intermediate prices.
The bounds in the rule definition are also shown. A gray shaded box represents the gap between the bounds of the rule, but will only display if it can fit within the column of the graph.
Rule processing