deal period
A period of time in which a retailer qualifies for the manufacturer's discounted price.
deal term
Stated conditions, restrictions, and exclusions on a deal.
demand curve
The demand for a product over a price range across time.
demand group
A collection of products with a high cross elasticity. The price and promotion of one item in the group directly affects that demand for the other items.
direct store delivery (DSD)
The shipment of a product from the manufacturer to the retailer bypassing distributors and wholesalers.
display media
Various methods for attracting consumer attention to a particular product.
drop ship method
A method of product shipment used to reduce inventory costs by having the manufacturer ship an order directly to the consumer on behalf of the retailer.
See direct store delivery.
dynamic product group
A collection of products with similar or related costs to which new products are automatically added or removed based on a criteria filter.
dynamic store group
A set of stores that are treated as one unit to which stores are added or removed automatically based on criteria filter.