See activity based costing.
accrual fund
A method of funding which is used to allocate trade funds between a manufacturer and a retailer.
activity based costing (ABC)
An accounting method used to measure the cost and performance of activities, resources, and cost objects.
ACV percentage
See historical store participation.
ad allowance
A sum of money paid to a retailer from running a series of advertisements for the manufacturer. The allowance is determined by the quantity of product purchased from a manufacturer.
ad zone
A collection of stores that offer the same advertised promotion.
A discount given to a retailer by a manufacturer in the form or monies, product discounts, shipping discounts, and so on.
allow backhaul
A Boolean field that indicates if a product can be returned to the supplier on the supplier’s truck in the case of an unsold or broken product.
anchor class
A collection of products with similar anchor prices.
anchor price
A pre-established price point around which price fluctuations are determined.
application service provider (ASP)
A vendor that provides an outsourced function to leverage scale economies, for example, hosting services.
See application service provider.
The variety of products within a merchandise category, group or department.
assortment optimization
A marketing strategy tool that determines the best assortment in order to maximize effectiveness of a scenario.
at-large rule
A constraint that applies to an entire scenario.
A characteristic or trait of an entity that describes the entity; for example, the telephone number of an employee is one of the employee attributes.