A group of products sold for a single price term that is different than if the products were purchased separately.
panel data
A collection of data about an individual that is the result of monitoring their consumption patterns, the impact of promotions on their consumer behavior, and changes to their consumer behavior.
pantry loading
The act of stocking up on a product because it is on sale or it is promoted.
pass-through threshold
The maximum percentage of an allowance that can be passed on to retail customers.
percent funding
An allowance basis that calculates the allowance amount as a percentage of the promotion’s TPR amount.
performance allowance
A discount for which a retailer qualifies after performing a promotion on behalf of the manufacturer.
performance detail
A merchandising strategy. This includes product displays, temporary price reduction, or everyday low pricing.
performance detail group
A combination of performance details that apply to the same product and the same location.
performance period
A period of time in which a promotion is performing. For example, the amount of time a product will appear on display or be advertised.
A visual virtual representation of product layout within a store. A planogram is used to optimize product displays and maximize the effectiveness of product placement.
point-of-sale data (POS data)
Information that is collected by scanning products at the check-out. The data include the items purchased, the volume of sales, and the purchase price for all items sold.
POS data
See point-of-sale data.
potential average quantity
The average of the minimum and maximum quantity values for a package.
See promoted product group.
pre-price class
A group of products that share the same pre-price.
price elasticity
See price elasticity of demand.
price elasticity of demand
The rate at which product demand changes due to a change in product price. Elasticity is represented as a change in demand divided by change in price.
price gap
The difference in price between two related products.
price image
The consumer perception of a retailer’s prices and value.
price lock
An optimization function that holds the unit price of a line item constant.
price rule
See business rule.
price zone
A group of stores that always have the same prices across products.
product cost
The amount of monies paid to a manufacturer or wholesaler by a retailer in order to carry a specific product.
product cube
The volume of space occupied by a product, expressed in cubic feet.
product elasticity
Price elasticity of demand for a particular product.
product pair
A set of two products that have a promotional constraint established between them.
product relationship
The established connection between two products.
product share
The ratio of the revenue of an individual product to the total revenue in one store.
product storage type
The location in the store that houses a product.
product velocity
The rate of sales of a product over a defined time period. For example, the number of units of a product that are sold in one month.
Revenue minus variable costs, fixed costs, and activity-based costing costs.
promoted product group (PPG)
A group of products from the same product line that are promoted together.
A temporary product price adjustment, consumer benefit, or both, tied directly to the purchase of a product. See also scenario.
promotion validation
A process that automatically detects errors in a promotion.