magic price
A price point at which the demand for a product increases dramatically.
manufacturer contribution margin
The manufacturer's gross profit minus trade spending.
manufacturer cost change
A manufacturer-driven change in the purchase price of a product.
manufacturer post-trade cost
The weighted manufacturer's product cost after factoring in trade spending for one unit volume.
manufacturer pre-trade cost
The weighted manufacturer's product cost prior to factoring in trade spending for one unit volume.
manufacturer trade fund ROI
The change in the manufacturer's gross profit due to the promotion divided by the trade spending.
The amount by which the price is reduced to increase the sales of a product.
A set of potential purchasers/customers having common requirements who are willing and able to spend money to satisfy their wants and needs.
master calendar
A merchandising activity calendar.
measurement point
A point along the supply chain where a movement allowance is calculated.
The various aspects related to the promotion of a product. This includes coordinating production and marketing, developing advertising, managing product displays, and sales strategies.
A technique that is used to predict the future behavior of customers based on historical consumer data and historical store promotions.
A TPR that allows the consumer to purchase several items for the equivalent price of fewer items. For example, three for the price of two. See also multiple.
A price statement in which multiple products are offered at a particular price. For example, two products are offered for $1.00. See also multibuy.