Localizing forms
If your organization supports multiple languages, you can make forms available in multiple languages to enable users to work with forms in their own languages. You localize a form by exporting it and then creating a properties file for each locale that you want to support.
When you export a form, IBM® Unica® Marketing Operations creates a form archive zip file that contains a form properties file for the form for your locale. You can create a copy of the properties file for each locale your organization supports and translate the group names, field names, descriptions, and help tips into the appropriate language for each locale. If the form uses lookup tables and the database contains localized versions of the lookup tables, you can edit the properties file for a locale to reference the correct lookup table for that locale.
Properties file names
Properties file names must be in the following form:
where <form_name> is the name of the form, and <locale> is a locale code. The following locale codes are recognized.
Example properties file
columngroup.group1.description=first group
columngroup.offer.description=second group
columngroup.offer2.description=third group
column.business_unit_id.label=Business Unit
column.business_unit_id.message= Business Unit is a mandatory field
column.business_unit_id.helptip= Business Unit is used for
column.init_type_id.label= Initiative Type
column.init_type_id.message= Initiative Type is a mandatory field
column.offer_codes.label=Offer Code(s)
column.effective_date.label=Effective Date
column.drop_date.label=Drop Date
tvccolumngroup.group1.description=group1 description
tvccolumngroup.group1.helptip=group1 helptip
tvccolumn.tvc_not_used_ref_1.label=Single Marketing Object
Localizing forms by editing
You can also localize a form for a locale by having a user with that locale as his or her default locale open the form and manually edit the names and descriptions. When the user saves the form Marketing Operations saves the translations entered by the user and they display for other users with that default locale. However, this process is more time consuming and is generally recommended only when the number of forms and the number of supported locales are small.
How IBM® Unica® Marketing Operations determines the properties file to use
When a user displays a form, Marketing Operations uses the properties file for the first locale in this list for which a properties file exists.
To localize a form