To finalize budget line items
When you finalize budget line items for projects or programs that are linked to a parent program or plan, the forecasted and committed line item amounts roll up to the parent program or plan.
If the project or program requires line item approval, finalizing the line items triggers the approval process. When a line item requires approval, it rolls up to the parent program or plan only after completing the approval process. The first column of the Line Item Details table shows the approval status; for more information, see Program Line Item Details table.
Finalize and Discard Changes links appear on the budget tab.
If any or all line items require approval, IBM® Unica® Marketing Operations prompts you to send the approval; for more information on the approval process, see Approvals. Line items that require approval are rolled up to the parent object only after the approval process is completed.
Click OK to finalize your changes or send the approval. Click Cancel if you do not want to finalize changes or send approvals.
After the budget line item changes are finalized, and approved if required, they roll up to their parent objects.